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One night as Datura was reading a book he was interrupted by the sound of something hitting the window he climbed out of bed and there it was again he heard a 'thud' at his window he slowly walked towards the window and opened it when a rock came flying out and hit his nose ''ouch!'' he whined
''Sorry are you okay? ''said a voice from outside. He looked out the window and saw that it was Henry
''You-you nearly broke my face'' he said surprised to see henry outside his window alone
''sorry henry apologized once again.
''What are you doing here?
''Well I came to see you, you looked like you could use some company''. Still astonished to be talking to henry Datura looked around to see if his father was nearby.
''don't worry'', henry says ''it's just us.
''Well you're going to get us both in trouble I'm not supposed to talk to you''!
''Oh well I can leave if I'm bothering you.

As henry began to walk away Datura realized that this could be his only chance at having a real friend, ''wait! he called back don't go!''
Henry smirked and quickly turned around.

''I'm Henry by the way he said
''I know Datura giggled
''oh, well what's your name?
''Oh did my father not tell you?
No, well actually he said I shouldn't know anything about you'' replied henry.
'' well my name's Datura.
''Nice to officially meet you Datura, your name sounds quite familiar but I just can't put my finger on it said henry as he scratched his head, so tell me do you ever come out of that tower?''.

''No I'm not allowed to. Why? .... Well you see I was born with this illness and father says it's too dangerous for me to leave the tower''
Henry looked at him confused and said ''so you've never been outside?
'' but you don't look ill, oh well you do look a little pale now that you mention it '', 'they both giggled.

''Wow no wonder you can't come out henry said looking around the tower, all you have is that tiny window not a single door.
I always wondered why sir Vladimir would climb instead of just walk in, now that I remember is that really your hair that he climbs on?'' Yup said Datura ''can I see! He squealed and so Datura picked up his blond bundles of hair and threw it out the window.
''Woooow'' henry said, his mouth wide open.
''I've never seen anything like this how did it get this long? I guess I've never had a haircut and father says it's a side effect on my medication.
''That's amazing'' said henry as he marveled at the hair that was now touching his feet. After a while henry left and they both agreed to keep their meeting a secret.

As the clouds grew darker and the crickets were heard throughout the woods Datura waited patiently for Henry to return. Time went by and he begun to worry that Henry would never come back but was relieved when he saw the red had boy emerge from the woods running towards the tower. As he was running henry suddenly tripped on a loose shoe lace and dived head first into a pile of dead leaves, Datura slapped his forehead in disbelief and burst into uncontrolled laughter it was the most he had ever laughed.
''What's so funny'' said henry as he picked a leave off his head.
''Nothing said Datura failing to confine his laughter, they looked at each other and both burst into complete laughter. 'Henry I need you to tell me'.

'' Tell you what? ''Replied henry
''everything, I need you tell everything about the outside world I want to know all about it'.

Henry began to tell Datura all about Lockwood's village square, the bakers shop that smelled of fresh bread every morning, the church bell that rang every Sunday and the services that lasted for hours. He told him of the new harvest festivals where everyone would eat and dance together 'wow that sound amazing' said Datura. ''Wait there's one more place I feel dreaded even talking about it ''.
'' what is it?''.

'' 'SCHOOL 'The most terrible place to ever exist. 'Really? it can't be that bad I've always wanted to go to school' said Datura. ''Trust me you'll wish you were dead as soon as you walk in'',
exclaimed Henry. Datura laughed. From then on henry would visit Datura every night and tell him stories of the outside while Datura would tell Henry all about astronomy and the little pet bird he was hiding from his father.
They became the best of friend.

"Have you ever met a girl before Henry?"
Datura asked one night .''of Course I have, "henry replied I've meet a ton''. ''Really? Well yah, my sisters a girl.
'Wow you have a sister? Yah were actually twins.
Wow what's that like?''.
''Terrible she's the worst,
"she can't be that bad said Datura, I hope to meet her someday''. Henry rolled his eyes at that
"Well let's hope that day will never come ".
Datura was confused What did he mean by that ?

Datura was confused What did he mean by that ?

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