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The sky was a Composition of orange and red as the sun began to set. The wind breeze's welcoming the cold of the night.
They had been travelling for a few hours and Dahlia stomach ached from hunger, she wondered if everyone else was just as hungry as she was her stomach let out a loud growl the only one close enough to hear was sage who sat in front of her, she hadn't said a single word the entire time, while the others got lost in conversation.

''I can feel you staring '', she says.
''oh sorry ....'', Dahlia quickly looked away there was no secret that sage did in fact scare her even though she looked like the most harmless person ever. No doubt she was beautiful with her lovely short red hair and green eyes she looked like a cute little doll, plus she smelt great but there was something about the way she acted towards her that was quite unwelcoming.
Sage let out a sigh ''I don't hate you know''.
''oh I didn't....
'' I know she said cutting her off ''Let's face it I kind of have this effect on everyone I meet but trust me, you're the last person I want to hate right now'', she said in a low sweet voice.

Hearing that made dahlia kind of relieved it's good to know that she wasn't the only one that found Sage a little unhinged. ''oh I had no idea you seemmm.... nice to me''.
''wow that's convincing'', she sarcastically said
''No really....
''Dahlia, she sighed After I lost my parents in the war I wasn't the same and neither was Henry but he had to pretend to be for the both of us, for me she paused. ''We both couldn't be messed up .Growing up other kids a avoided even speaking to me because they were too scared to or they found me unapproachable while henry was the fun happy one and that's how things went on for years I was the outcaste whose only friend was her brother. So you don't have to pretend to like me I'm used to it''.

Dahlia could completely relate to Sage her experience was somewhat similar but all different at the same time she remembers skipping lunch alone, to avoid those rich snobs from gossiping about the food she carried or the way her second hand uniform looked like rugs.
''That's not really how I see you Sage It's just I guess don't really understand you''. If she was being completely honest Sage kind of confused her, one second she'd be nice to her and the next she acted like she hated her.

''when I met Datura she continued he didn't see me as the mess that everyone knew I was he just saw me as Sage and I guess I'm just worried that the more people that come into his life will Change how good of a person he is and....
''Sage, Dahlia interrupted, you are amazingly Perfect just the way you are and if other people don't see it then that's their loss. You are a strong woman I know that, you know that, and you didn't need to pretend to be and you most certainly don't need Datura in order for you to see that
''You think so? '',
''I know so '', Dahlia assured placing her hand on Sage's shoulder
Even though she couldn't really see Sage's face she knew she was smiling

''We're here'', says Alex tapping the side of the horse to make it stop.
In the Distance was a campsite fenced by tall sharp logs of wood tied together and a gate in the center ,the dark night mercenary flag hoisted on each sideabd 2 guards, guarding the entrance.

''How are we going the get in? Asked Sage they 're knights everywhere''.

''Can't Alex get us in?'' Henry suggests

''Even if I could, I would be executed the moment I step inside they saw me help lady dahlia escape.''

''Thanks Alex now henry can realize how completely stupid his question was '', snorted sage
''Henry gave her a scolding look and the put his tongue out at her
Offended she put her tongue out right back at him,
Alex looked at them confused ''what are they doing?''
''it's a sibling thing '', Dahlia emphasized
Datura looked around but the fence seemed to go on forever they had no chance simply just walking in.

Datura Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz