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Coming back to consciousness Dahlia whimpered as she felt like her heart had been knocked all the way up to her head because it was pounding like crazy. She opened her eyes and nearly jumbled out of her skin when the first thing she saw was a pair of navy blue eyes staring directly into her soul. she gasped and he gasped, back.
Dahlia Quickly sat up and grabbed the pair of scissors lying next to her and pointed them towards him ''get away from me!''
''whoa, whoa calm down he said slowly backing up with his hands up 'it's okay you're safe now... She scoffed and said ''who are you?''

Datura was completely dumb founded some random girls comes screaming for help he jumps out risking his own life and saves her from being arrowed to death, he pulls arrow out of her and stops her from bleeding all over his floor and now she's aiming pair of crafting scissors at him
''Actually he replied I should be asking you that question you're the one who's in my tower''.
Dahlia narrowed her eyes at him ''well it's not like I flew my way in here.'' ''That's a good way of thanking someone for saving your life'', he said crossing his arms. She glared back at him and placed the scissors down.

Upon doing that she noticed what looked like hair on the floor and it all led to his head. Wow that's a lot of hair, she thought to herself, it was unlike anything she'd ever seen before.
But it didn't matter Where ever she was she had to leave now, Dahlia proceeded to stand up
''Actually implied Datura I wouldn't do- she ignored him and tried to stand up when she felt a sharp pain jolt up her leg
''ahh'' she groaned and quickly sat back down, she completely forgot she had been hit. She lifted her dress and was surprised to see her wound wrapped up in bandages, that explained the scissors. She glanced back at Datura who now looked concerned
''Are you okay? ''

she stuttered ''ya -yah I just-

''Don't move, he swiftly stood up and held out a hand ''let me help you up''.
Even though she was being completely rude she was still hurt and plus by looks of it she must have been through a lot, he thought.

Dahlia paused and glared at him questionably before taking his hand, he was surprisingly strong as he lifted her up. And placed her onto his bed ''thank you she managed to say.

''Don't mention it '',
They continued to awkwardly look at each other in silence, while She just stared at his hair she didn't even know it was possible to grow hair that long. ''So do you have a name?'' he spoke up.

''Dahlia '', she managed .

''Mine's Datura he said, pleased to meet you ''. Did she hear him right? that's an unusual name she swears she's heard of it before somewhere but she can't quite remember her headache was beginning to make her mind cloudy.

''I don't understand she says looking around why aren't there any doors here?'' around how are you supposed to get out?'' She looked out the window and noticed how far up they were ''or in? for that matter ''.

''I 'm not, I don't really leave the tower, he said scratching the back of his head
She was completely surprised ''like ever?
''Nope, you see it's a long story, but first you can't be the only one asking questions ''Why we're being chased are you some sort of criminal?''

Did he just call her criminal? She crossed her arms and said ''well that's a long story too ''.

Dahlia looked around slowly trying to process where she was, she was seated on a bed at the center of the room and next to her was a tall stack of old astronomy and literature books. In one of the corners there was dried up buckets of paint and canvases all beautifully covered in paint strokes that depicted the night sky.
''Are you some sort of Artist? '', she says to him
''Oh that...he says unbothered I just do that when I get bored
''I see; she says as she continues examine where she is.

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