November Rose

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On this cold and breezy

November afternoon,

I wandered into the backyard

To listen to winter's tune.

The sounds of crunching leaves.

The mournful silence of the wind

Blowing through the leafless trees.

Only barren branches bend.

There is not a single cheep

From a sparrow or a dove.

They must be hunkered down.

Snuggling with the one they love.

The grass is no longer shiny green.

Darker with tones of brown.

Before too much longer

Only the latter color will be found.

The roses have stopped their growth.

Working on their hips.

Their focus now

Preparing for winter's grip.

When I went into the alley

Across the fence in arched repose

Was a climbing cane

With a single crimson rose.

Against all odds,

It refused to die.

If this rose can bloom

Then surely so can I.

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