The Nest

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For the last several weeks

While walking around,

I admired a swallow's nest

On a ledge six feet off the ground.

The mother bird sitting

Patiently waiting the day

For her eggs to hatch.

Her mate perched not far away.

A fond memory in the making.

That warmed my heart.

The rejuvenation of life.

Right for the start.

Tonight, as I went to check

On this lovely pair.

My heart was broken.

A horrible feeling of despair.

Someone had torn down the nest.

There the remnants and eggs lay

Tragically on the ground.

Then my world turned even more gray.

There was the mother on the ledge

Where the nest used to sit.

Perched where her eggs once lay.

A heartbreak to see I have to admit.

Then I saw on a ledge a few feet away

Her mate waiting patiently.

A true lover and friend.

Sitting there watching so faithfully.

I feel sad and depressed

Thinking about God's master plan

And that tragedy can be located

In the cold heart of man.

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