Angel In My Garden

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I was working in my garden

Just the other day.

When a little neighbor girl

Ran up and blocked my way.

"Do you know you have

An angel in your garden?

She is standing there, watching us

Over by the trees."

With a warm, gentle laugh

I asked, "Does she have wings

A long white dress

That shimmers in the breeze?"

"Yes!", she said,

"So you have seen her, too!"

"I'm so glad, because when I told my dad

He said they were only make believe."

She then skipped off, happy and complete.

When she passed from view

I turned and looked again

Toward the closest tree.

And there - I swear

Was an angel smiling back at me.

I walked over, expecting her to disappear.

But her features became more clear.

I stood there for a moment

Not knowing what to do.

Finally I said,

"Does this mean it is my time to go?"

If you have never heard an angel laugh

Your life is not complete.

For the words glow with warmth

They are pure and kind and sweet.

"No actually, I come here often

To watch your steady pace."

"Flowers are among God's greatest gifts

And this is such a restful place."

"Then why haven't I seen you

Before this afternoon?"

"I suppose you've chosen not to

As most people do."

"Well", she said, "it's time for me to go.

"I just stopped to rest in your garden.

I enjoy the roses so."

"The flowers are especially lovely today."

She assured me she would stop again

And bring her friends by, too.

As she left, a simple verse echoed in my mind.

"Seek and you shall find."

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