I've Been a Bit Naïve

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I was strolling through the garden

this warm, enchanted summer's eve.

When for some odd reason,

I realized - I've been a bit naïve.

For, before this very moment,

I've never thought of ladybug toes,

of butterfly kisses, bumblebee knees,

or does a cricket really have a nose.

It's these little important things

that I really do not know.

Like, "if ants wore pants -

where would the zipper go?"

This thoughtful curiosity, though,

has quite taken me by surprise.

Are daddy-long-legs footloose

and what is the color of their eyes?

Does the mantis really know how to pray?

Might an aphid have a dimple on her chin?

Does the male black widow taste like chicken?

And is dining on your lover, really such a sin?

With so much new to consider -

now that I have seen the light.

I really must take my leave.

For my quest is now insight.

Stories and Poems Written from the GardenWhere stories live. Discover now