The Lucky Clover

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Yesterday, March 17, 2021, was St Patrick's Day. When I came in on night shift tonight there was an email that contained, among other trivia, the following statement: "The chances of finding a three-leaf clover to a lucky four-leaf version" is 10,000:1. This reminded me of a story from far back in my childhood.

I recall that our house in Phoenix had a rather large back yard that contained extensive clover patches in among the Bermuda grass. You had to be careful walking in bare feet in our back yard as you could easily step on one of many bees that loved to gather nectar from the abundant small white clover flowers. I can't recall how many times I was stung by the bees visiting the clover, but I can still recall the burning pain. I remember one spring day my mom asked me if I could find the four-leaf clover out in the back yard. I realize now that it was probably just a guise to get me out the house. Always being one to take up a challenge, even to this day, I went out on the quest to find the lucky four-leaf clover. After a long time searching, I found one. I immediately plucked it and ran back and presented it to my mom who was in the kitchen. She was amazed and placed it in a little glass with water and set it in the kitchen window. She must have made me feel lucky as I still recall this tiny incident some 50 plus years later. Indeed, I was already lucky to have two such wonderful parents.

Stories and Poems Written from the Gardenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن