Poem Garden

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There are many poems in my garden

Just waiting to be picked.

All that's needed is a bit of time

And patience if you're pricked.

To stroll among the verses.

Smell the sweet bouquet.

Every now and then a word to pick.

Life is truly good, on a garden day.

For hidden among the roses,

Tiger lilies, and the columbine

Are the treasured emotions

Of a better time.

This is my promised land.

Brings warm smiles to my face

Fills my heart with lasting contentment.

My soul breathes deeply, in this special place.

For all a poem garden needs

Is a touch of water, and a little feed.

With a little thought, and a bit of care,

It will surely outgrow the most ambitious weed.

I'll tell you now

I hate to leave this place.

To return to the stark reality

Of life's frenzied pace.

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