Are Trees Smarter and Wiser Than Us?

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A seed falls to the ground.

If the conditions are right,

The seed sprouts and grows

And a tree begins to gain height.

In good years, it grows more.

In the difficult years,

The rings are just thinner.

It doesn't whine or shed tears.

I cannot imagine that trees agonize

About the meaning of life.

When the axe-man will come calling

Or worry about its burdens and strife.

A tree doesn't connive or plot

Against other trees or start wars.

I don't see that trees hate and despise.

They just enjoy life being outdoors.

We humans are different, of course.

We can be filled with hate and envy.

Jealous of other people's success.

Trees just seem content and friendly.

I don't know if trees are smarter

Or wiser than us.

But I can see there is much

For us to learn and discuss.

Live and grow.

Be content with what you've got.

Live in peace with your neighbors.

Grow and prosper, don't worry or plot.

Get by without complaining.

In the lean years slow down, but don't quit.

Don't agonize over the meaning of life.

Just embrace it.

Stories and Poems Written from the GardenWhere stories live. Discover now