The Roses of Griffith Buck

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I have gazed upon the 'April Moon'

And wished upon a 'Prairie Star'.

The softest, warmest colors,

When even viewed from afar.

I have listened to the 'Bright Melody'

And delighted in the 'Brook Song'.

My memories of these wonders,

To my soul they now belong.

I have savored the old rose fragrance

Of the smoldering 'Prairie Flower'.

With purest heart and petals of red.

Indeed, it must possess - magic power.

I have tasted the 'Honeysweet'

Nectar of the bumble bee.

If you ask them with an honest heart,

They will graciously give it free.

I have felt the caress of the 'Summer Wind'

As it sweeps across the mountain glen.

A most comforting pleasure,

To be welcomed every now and then.

Lastly, the sixth sense,

The one ignored by many a man.

Yet, I have sensed the 'Earth Song'

And held it in my hand.

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