A Talk With Nature

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It was a beautiful summer day

With a soft little breeze.

So, I went out in my yard

Spoke with the bushes and trees.

They spoke to me

With their shimmering leaves

And their tiny twig arms

As they danced in the warm breeze.

I asked if they needed more water.

They replied, they had gotten a lot.

I should cut back on the sprinklers.

Didn't want their roots to rot.

Then some patches of grass

Made some advances.

Said they needed more sun.

Could I trim the tree branches?

The sparrows returned.

Asked me to get rid of the pigeons.

Said they were hogging the seed

And had weird beliefs and religions.

I was getting discouraged

When a mantis caught my eye.

Asked me not to spray.

It caused all the aphids to die.

After such a strange dream,

Not sure if I'll talk to nature again.

With the complaints and concerns.

Might just as well - talk with men.

Stories and Poems Written from the GardenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant