079. different wife

Start from the beginning

"Sam..." Cas starts.

"I'm good. I'm good, honestly." Sam says.

"Yeah, I know. Everybody's good. But after this, maybe Dean's right. You need to rest." Cas says.

"Can't. Just because I'm tired doesn't mean the monsters are gonna stop, you know? Doesn't mean anything. Plus, we don't have as many hunters as we used to." Sam says.

"Sam--" Larissa tries, but he walks into the station. She quietly groans, following him.

"Excuse me. Griffin?" Sam asks the worker.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Griffin Tate?" Sam asks.

"Mm-hmm." Griffin nods.

"Agent Scholz. This is Agent Delp and Agent Sweet. We're, uh, FBI. We're here about the incident." Sam says.

""Incident"? That's what we're calling it?" Griffin asks.

"Well, what would you call it?" Sam asks.

"Insane! This guy--"

"You mean Conrad Martin." Sam says.

"Right. He comes in, looking like he's been running all night, asks for my phone, then he just--" Griffin imitates an explosion. "Went all Scanners."

"Was it more Scanners 1, 2, or 3?" Cas asks.

"Never mind that. Um, this Conrad Martin. Did you know him?" Sam asks.

"No, but he was probably from Charing Acres. He had that look." Griffin says.

"Charming Acres?" Sam asks.

"About five miles up the road. But it's weird." Griffin states.

"Weird how?" Sam asks.


Cas parks on the side of the road, the three looking around at the very old timey town.

"This is..." Sam starts.

"Yeah. It's like we're stepping into a "Saturday Evening Post."" Cas says, the two Winchesters give him looks. "I look at them sometimes after you fall asleep at night. They're very soothing."

"Should we call Dean? I mean--" Cas says.

"I've been trying, but no bars. Guess this place really is the middle of nowhere." Sam says. "All right, let's get to it." The three get out of the car. Sam bumps into a couple accidentally.

"Whoa, nelly! Excuse us." The man says.

"Sorry. You know what? A-Actually, I'm sorry. D-Do you have a moment?" Sam asks, stopping the couple.

"Well, we're on our way to the bake sale." The woman states.

"We're FBI. We're looking into a death that happened near here." Sam says.

"Wowee! A couple of G-men, huh? And a G-lady. Well, I'm Justin Smith, and this is my foxy wife, Cindy." The man states.

"Sweetie, we are going to be late." Cindy says.

"Oh, sorry, agent. I haven't heard about anyone dying, but, uh, ask at Harrington's." Justin points to the diner across the street. "And try a milkshake. They're the best! Say, what's that ya got there?"

"My cellphone?" Sam asks.

"Huh." Justin hums. "Cellphone."

"Honey, my cakes are getting cold." Cindy says. The two begin to walk away, Justin mumbling about the cellphone.

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