Friendship is magic. Well no, magic is magic but friendship is nice too.

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In the old days sometimes fans would get so worked up about the bad wrestlers and their wicked ways in the ring that they would try and find them after the show and stab them. Sometimes they would succeed in stabbing them. One of my goals in wrestling is for someone to hate me so much they try and stab me. I just want to see if it's still possible now that everyone knows that it's fake.

A woman did try to stab me last night, but not for the right reasons. She was wearing heavy shoes and grey tights, she walked up to me backstage and said –

"I am against all your magic charms, which you use to ensnare my people like birds. I will tear them from your arms, setting my people free like birds set free from a cage."

While she was saying weird shit, I noticed she had a knife in her hand. Not a kitchen knife. A fucking combat knife that douchebags buy off the internet. I grabbed her stabbing hand and head butted her a few times and that took the starch out of her panties. I guess technically she planned to stab me rather than tried since I stopped her before she got in a stab attempt.

She told the police that I was a witch and killing me was god's will. I guess I do have some readers. Some advice: if you want to stab someone, don't quote a bible verse first. If she had just walked up and stabbed me, I never would have noticed.

While I was at Kim's telling him about this, I heard Evan and Frankie in the other room talking about someone from their church. The details were not clear to me at all. Because I was eavesdropping rather than taking to them directly.

Either they thought someone was in prison but they were really in rehab, or they thought someone was in rehab but they were actually in prison. Or they got out of prison and were supposed to be in rehab but was missing. The only thing for sure I got was that someone wasn't where they were supposed to be.

After I was done regaling Kim with my story, I told Evan and Frankie that I could probably find whoever they were looking for. When they asked me how, I told them I just have a knack for finding people. Which was pretty weak.

It probably seems strange that I write about magic online but here I am being cagey about it in real life. All can say is that it's different. Kim and Evan have helped me a lot. For no reason other than kindness. Maybe they're my friends even.

I don't want them to think I'm crazy.

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