Hooray for me because I'm a good person

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The stupid part is that I found Uncle Donny and his "commandos" before everything went to shit. I should have stopped them then somehow. When Uncle Donny told me that he still considers his ex-wives to be married to him because "the state can't undo what God brought together" I should have known it was going to end badly.

One of my wellness apps says that people make mistakes. There's nothing you can do about that. Your duty is to make sure your mistakes don't hurt others.

I'm doing a shitty job. Madame X is dead. I saw at least one person get shot. Because of my mistakes.

Eterno got away. No, saying that got away makes it sounds like he was running away from me. Eterno went home without a care in the world. I'm no threat to him. Whatever he is.

No legitimate news source has said reported about what happened that afternoon other than the bomb. Not reporting on Eterno I understand. You see that you're not going to believe your eyes. If you do believe it you're not going to report on it unless you want to end up with no job on a 48 hour hold in a psych ward.

What I don't understand is why no one other than angry social media dudes are talking about all the shooting.

My app would say that I should make a list of what I did do well instead of reinforcing failure. Focus on the positive. I kept the bomb from going off. I snitched to the police about their room at the Holiday Inn Express so they caught at least one of them. Eterno didn't kill. My arm is so fucked up I can't drive but at least I'm alive. Is that a success?

It doesn't make me feel better. Uncle Donny is in the wind. I could find him but the police aren't interested. I can't understand why. Which is frustrating. What am I going to do? Hunt him down and kill him?

Before everything went to shit Uncle Donny said that I shouldn't make an enemy of him because that makes me an enemy of God. Maybe he's right. Maybe there is a God and he's tasked Uncle Donny with murdering the bad people. Mostly women.

That would explain why he got away.  

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