Slaughterhouse 6

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When I pulled up to the venue I thought I had to be in the wrong place. It looked like a set from in a horror movie. The abandoned building where the hooked handed serial killer washes his human skin on sewing mannequins.

It was the right place. I think the booker fucked up and rented the wrong building and wouldn't admit it.

The building turned out to be a slaughterhouse. Correction, an abandoned slaughterhouse. There was for sure a serial killer in there somewhere. There were maybe sixty folding chairs set up in what used to be animal pens. The stench was putrid.

If you guessed 0 for the guess-the-attendance contest, you win. Several asked if we should even bother to go out there. The booker insisted that if we wanted to get paid we had to work. I had a three-minute match with someone whose name I don't remember in front of literally no one and got paid thirty bucks.

The good news is that I was wrong about All Elite Pro Wrestling. They want me to come back and do an angle with the referee that tried to choke me.

That fucked up match that wasn't really a match drew some attention. Maybe I'll be part of a minor piece of wrestling lore, 'did you see that match where the two chicks were fighting for real and then the referee choked one of them?'

In a very rare move AEPW is being smart and trying to make a little money off it.

My concern is that it's a set-up and the guy is going to try and hurt me. As I understand it the ref has a thing for Irish Terry and that's why he was trying to murder me. No one can tell me what the fuck she was doing.

When I mentioned this concern the promoter he thought I was playing hardball and offered me 300 dollars. I said I wanted half in advance. He agreed. Just that 150 is more than I've ever gotten paid to wrestle.

In a couple weeks I'm going to be working the ref, who wrestlers under the name Gauge XXX. That has to be one of the all-time worst names I've heard. But for this match going to be in his Benny the referee persona. Get your tickets now!

Assuming I don't get killed in that match, shortly after that Natasha has be set up to earn an 0-2 MMA record when I fight a Russian judoka for 1500 dollars. Assuming I don't get killed in that real fight, things are looking up for Old Gracie.

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