Caddyshack 3 - The Shackening

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I worked a show last night at a country club. That's a new one. It was a charity benefit as far as I could tell. I assume one person on the board is really into wrestling and steamrolled everyone else into doing it. Country clubs and/or charities have boards I think.

There were a bunch of rich people in gowns and tuxedos walking around from table to table not paying attention to the wrestling ring in the middle of the room where wrestling was happening. It was surreal. It was like an even more boring version of eyes wide shut.

There was a real locker room. Which was fantastic. No changing in the car for me that night. When I was walking back to it after my match, I heard a woman say to her peer, "poor people take things so personally". I heard a real human person say that in real life. With her mouth.

That's something that a cartoon villain would say while a dog bouncer is throwing a scrappy alley cat out of a fancy party. That's not something a human person would say.

Even when I'm around normal people, I feel like I'm missing most of what they're talking about. I wonder if I ever talked to a rich person if we would even be able to communicate. I think maybe if a spaceship came down and an alien walked out, I might have more in common with that being than with the people at that show.

Is it still a show if no one watches? A question for the ages.

A country club seems like the kind of place where rich people would be having secret orgies or sacrifices goats or doing some nefarious shit that might be magic so I poked around a little. All I found was some coke.

Which is a magic in its own way if you think about it.

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