Tough talk doesn't win fights

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One lesson I learned as a kid is if you're going to pull your knife you pull it to stab, don't wave it around. Put another way, if you're going to hurt someone hurt them, don't talk about it. I told myself that I needed a plan to deal with Eterno or there's no reason to go.

I continued looking through Royale's trunk for a binding spell or a spell to exorcise a demon. Anything that might help. There's a bunch of pages where he talks about Russia fighting a war against a bunch of other countries over the same they're still fighting wars.

Royale traveled there there with a group of his friends. By steamship so this must have been a long time ago. They went to stop some Russian mystics that were involved in the conflict. I haven't had a chance to read it all and notes are full if magic jargon I don't understand. There was necromancy involved and it was bad, I'm sure of that much.

He writes that they cornered the mystics in Sevastopol and "deprived them of flesh". With magic I mean, they didn't flay their skin off. On the face of it that sounds reasonably no different from murder. There's more information about that I haven't studied yet but Royale was convinced that what they did was a moral thing to do. He was anti-murder like a normal person.

None of that matters much because there's no instructions on how to do it. It's not clear what "it" even is to me. The only other idea I had was to try and figure out a way to contact Obaluaiye's old tag team partner Mil Quinientos Diecinueve on the chance he was still alive and knew anything about what Obaluaiye and Eterno were up to with their rivalry.

That's how desperate I was.

While I was failing to learn anything helpful Youtube came to my aid. I don't know if it was because the content targeting robot knew I was on the show but a video was recommended to me. It was a kid who was at the show losing his mind because he during my match with Bloody Mary he saw a "smoke monster" attacking Mary.

He said that what he saw looked like it was from the show Lost. I watched a clip from Lost and that is not what Eterno, or his summoned beast, looked like to me. The kid seemed crazy and/or on something the way he was shaking and screaming but if you saw a monster at a wrestling show what else would you seem like?

There weren't many views but there were a few comments saying he needs to be on medication, which he was angrily REPLYING TO IN ALL CAPS that what he was talking about was real.

He didn't see what I saw but he saw something. I thinking maybe he has some magical talent like me but no one has found him to teach him. According to Royale there aren't many magicians left in the world and most of them aren't interested in sticking out their necks to help anyone. Whatever the case I'm going to reach out to him.


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