When is a rat just a rat?

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Last night I was hiding under the ring my while my was fetch get dropped on its head and I saw a rat. The fetch is not really a living thing, it's a crash test dummy, so don't feel bad about it getting dropped. Should be nothing shocking about seeing a rat in the dumps I work at.

This rat seemed different. It didn't look completely solid. I stared at it and it stared back at me. After a minute it disappeared into the darkness. Or maybe it literally disappeared. No big deal, a trick of the light, tired eyes, other things people say when they see something weird.

Except I know that magic is real. I know it for a fact. I can do magic. So you have to wonder, what other impossible things might be real? Vampires? Bigfoot? Shapeshifters? Goblins? Ghouls? Santa?

Was what I saw that night a magic rat or was it just a rat? What does it mean to be a magic rat? Was it a familiar for another magic person? Are familiars real? I don't have a mentor anymore so I have no one to ask.

The bible says that magic is real. One of the foster homes I was in was really into God and Jesus. Didn't care for it myself. If the bible is right about magic what else is it right about? The bible is definitive in saying that not only is magic real but also that it comes from Satan and you should never do it.

Which is an issue. There's a story from the bible where a magic guy is flying around and being magic and evil and Peter uses his God powers to make his magic go away and the magic guy falls to the ground and dies.

I used to assume that the chances of me meeting another magic person were close to zero traveling around in the wrestling world. I'm maybe changing my mind about that. Wrestling is a world made up largely of fringe people who don't and often can't function in the 9-5 world of normal people. People that know about and can do magic have to be the same right?

I think that magic has to be the providence of people who are willing to believe and that's mostly going to be on the outside of society. Which is squarely where wrestlers fall. You think someone like Necro Butcher has the same system of beliefs as an accountant?

The guy who taught me about magic was also a wrestler. Is it possible that most magic people are also wrestlers? That would really be something wouldn't it? 

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