'Let's get you inside.' He says taking my hand

He takes my suitcase and leads me in the house.

'Are you tired?' He asks putting down my suitcase

'I was until I saw you. Now I'm back at full energy.' I smile at him putting my arms around his neck

'In that case, what do you want to do?' His arms wrapping around my waist

'Anything?' I ask

'Anything.' He replies smiling

'Let's go for a walk. I want to see everything.'

'Let's do it.' He says placing a kiss on my hand

We walk out of the house and head towards the sea. The entire place is set up on the shore, so the sea stretches for as far as your eyes can see. All the houses in the area are built the same way, stone with loads of flowers everywhere. It's a beautiful place.

I felt Jimin take my hand and I almost burst with happiness. This is the first time we ever held hands, walking out together.

'I never thought just holding hands would bring me so much joy.' His voice is full of excitement

'I was just thinking the same. Maybe we should move here.' I joke

'I might think about it.' He jokes back

We walked all around the coast part where we're staying, and now we're coming into the town. It's a lot more crowded than we thought.
We got a few looks here and there, mostly because you don't see Koreans walking around the Greece everyday, but no one actually knows who he is.

He is still on the lookout, trying to avoid eye contact and look down if somebody is looking at him. It's just a reflex for him at this point. He's been in the public eye for a decade.

I squeeze his hand a bit to let him know everything is alright, and he smiles at me, relaxing a bit. He stops looking down at the floor and is now looking around with me.

I come a bit closer to him, linking my arm with his. He looked so happy. A huge smile showed on his face.

'I know what we could do tomorrow.' He says

'What?' I ask, curious

'I want to take you out on a date. Let's have dinner. In an actual restaurant.' For some reason he looks nervous asking me that

'Mr.Park, are you asking me out on a date?' I smile brightly at him

He smiles back but then stops walking and pulls me towards himself. We are in the middle of the street, people are passing by. But he doesn't seem to care. He kisses me so sweetly, not paying attention to anyone else. 'It seems that I am asking you out Miss Y/N.'
'Our first public kiss.' He smiles at me and kisses me again before we start walking again

'We will have a lot of firsts. This is even more exciting than I thought it would be.' I tell him almost hopping next to him

'We have so much to do. Let's head back for now, you need rest. Tomorrow we will explore more and do whatever we want to do. How does that sound?' He asks still hugging me around my waist

'Only if I can have another kiss.' I pucker my lips and he laughs before he gives into my request.

We walk into the house and I start walking around, looking around the house.

'Give me 10 minutes, stay here.' He says smiling, sitting me down on the sofa. He runs off before I get to say say anything

He looks so excited, quite adorable really. He makes me giddy.

A Promise Within The Walls |BTS JIMIN IDOL FF|Where stories live. Discover now