Start from the beginning

Dahlia opened her eyes ,coming back to consciousness. Her head throbbed and her body felt stiff she looked around and
and all she saw was darkness with a tiny shine of light coming from a crack in the wall.
Where was she? She sat up and felt the chains on her feet they made a loud cling as she shifted around , she had the worse migraine ever too

she brought her hand to her head and hissed at the contact
''that bastard", she cursed ,she was immediately reminded of the betrayal.

she looked down at the chains on her feet and tried to pull them off which hurt even more they were locked on so tight that blood began to seep out of her ankles
She was tired ,too tired to even cry.

Suddenly she heard the door begin to unlock and someone walked in it was too dark to see who

They began to unlock the chains on her feet as soon as her legs were free she took the opportunity and kicked them in the face, they whined stumbling back and clutching their nose '' Lady Dahlia please stop it's me! ''
''Alex? "
''Yes '',
It was him. she kicked him again even harder ''You traitor!''

''Lady Dahlia please", he groaned hugging his knee
She kicked him again but in the groin this time
'' You betrayed us and you hit me in the head I dare you!''
He screamed even louder clutching his crotch in pain
" please stop'',

she tried to kick him again but he quickly grabbed her foot and pulled it making her fall on to her back

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to", he apologizes standing up
'' it was the only thing I could do to save you " .He offers her a hand up.

''what do you mean? She hesitantly grabs his hand

''I pretended to betray you so Lord Anderton would trust me again, I figured out what he and Vladimir are planning we need to leave now.
Here '', he hands her something soft

''what is this?
''A ball dress, the Coronation is about to start No one will suspect you in this, hurry get chagned"

''Coronation? How long have I been blacked out?"

He nervously scratched the back of his head " Two days''

''what!'' He knocked her out for two days?

''Like I said I'm sorry, now hurry Henry and Sage are waiting for us outside

''they're alive?", She felt a slight relieve

''Yes now hurry '', As she watched him walk out she was reminder about what the Mage had said to her at the festival, she didn't know if it was true but there was only one way to find out.

She got changed as fast as she could into the light green ball gown and headed out. She found everyone there waited for her, Henry and Alex wore suits while sage was in a pale yellow ball gown as well

''Dahlia!, Sage exclaimed as soon as she saw her. her face was shown with guilt

''dahlia I'm so sorry'' she said hugging her.Was she dreaming was Sage Actually hugging her?

She hugged her back ''You can Save your sorrys for later we have a prince to save''
''How's is it that you still look amazing even after being knocked over the head and spending 2 nights in a dungeon" henry jokes walking up to her and hugging giving her a hug

''I'm happy to know you're okay too henry ''

''Barely, he says pointing at his black eye and she notices all the cuts on his face
''did Vladimir do this?

''yup torture, for betraying him, I had it coming, he shrugs"

"We were supposed to be sentenced to death today, 'Sage says " but Alex broke us out."

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