Chapter 12 - Lost

Start from the beginning

Flashes of Tartarus filled my mind- the encounter of the monsters, the failure to save the giants that sacrificed themselves for me. How we encountered all the curses that have been directed at me.

I couldn't feel myself screaming, or crying, or bawling. All the most terrible moments of my life was formed right there in front of me.

I felt already broken.

But one, hopeful voice drifted about, calling to me.

Find him. Find him. Find him.

I couldn't recognize the voice, but I could still survive with that single voice calling to me from time to time.

But these words gave me more terrible memories; seeing a blondie dead, having sacrificed herself for me; I tried to remember who she was, but I was too lost in the broken dreams of the others who have entered this realm and faded away.

But I continued hearing the beautiful voice: Find him.


"Annabeth, you look horrible!" exclaimed Piper.

"I dreamed of Percy. He's suffering, Piper. I can't bear to see him suffer like that. It's tearing me apart!" I cried out.

"Didn't I get rid of your affection towards him?" Luke asked me.

"I'm glad you didn't, Luke. He's my life. If I don't know him at all, there's no point to live my life. He's out there, and you're not doing anything?"

Suddenly, I was tossed into the air the speed of light, and I blacked out.

Annabeth. Annabeth. Annabeth. Annabeth. I heard Percy's voice, over and over again, chanting my voice. He was calling out to me, I knew it. He desperately needed me. He was alive, and I had to get to him.

Annabeth. His chanting slowed to a murmur, and disappeared. I saw Percy on the ground, illuminated in the darkness in front of me. His whole body was scathed from head to toe, and although he seemed to be breathing, he was frighteningly close to not moving and he was shivering so uncontrollably.

I tried to reach out to him, but the closer I was, the farther he seemed to get. When I finally seemed to grasp his hand, I woke up out of my dream to see a rather intimidating person.

"Did you dream of Cosmos? Rather, Percy?" he said.

"Who are you?" I said.

"I apologize for my rudeness. I am Chaos, creator of the Universe, father of Percy Jackson."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know!"

"No formalities, please."

"Okay. To answer your question, yes, I did dream of him."

"Was he breathing?"


"Then we still have time."

"I'm sorry-what?"

"He's still alive, maybe hurt, but alive. We still have a chance to bring him out of there."

"The Realm of Broken Dreams?"

"Yes. We'd better hurry, though. You two have a bond deeper than any other beings in the universe. Your acts of true love brought his immortality back. Now, the bond is weakening, because his soul is being shattered by broken dreams. So you have to hurry. You're dreaming about him, because thoughts of you are the only things that keep him alive. Annabeth, you are the only person that can get him out."

"Okay, I'm definitely in. How do I do it?" I asked, hopeful.

"You have to get in there and get him out."

My heart sank. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but I was going to do whatever it took to get my Percy back.

Chaos continued. "It is nearly impossible to do that, however," he said, and my heart sank even lower. "Unless you hold on to a dream come true. You have to know your way out of there, and on the way, you have to hold on to your greatest memories. You'll have no time to look into the broken dreams."

I firmly nodded, but my blood ran cold.

"But," he added, "It is easier for you than others, because of this love you have. Your love for my son will help you. If you can't grasp onto a happy dream, think of Percy Jackson. Think of the times you've spent together.

"Time's going by, and he's getting weaker by the second. Hurry. I have faith in you, Annabeth Chase," Chaos concluded.

A portal was made, and I looked into the darkness.

"Before you go in, think about him. Imagine holding his hand. And never open your eyes."

I closed my eyes and thought of the underwater kiss I had with him. I thought of that time when we held on together in Tartarus. Of the time when I protected his Archilles soft spot. I thought of him laughing, making his jokes. Seaweed Brain, I thought, and I walked straight into the portal.

Percy Jackson, Prince of the Universe *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now