Chapter Thirty-Five

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What Love Feels Like!

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What Love Feels Like!

Y/n's Pov:

"Will it hurt?"

My voice almost sounded broken, I didn't know what else to say so I said the thing that concerned me the most.

I felt the doctor's cold hands on my back. I didn't know his name, father always said it wasn't important so I never took the time to learn it.

"It depends." He moved his hands from my back to my neck. "I have to take the chip out and then reprogram it." He removed his hands and I watched as he started to gather his materials.

I just sat where I was and slowly looked over at father. He was watching the whole process, making sure nothing went wrong.

"I'll have to put her under to take it out." The doctor said it not as a statement but as a question. It was clear he was afraid of father but he still wanted to be needed.

So he stays and does his bidding. "Do you have to?" I think he was hesitant to put me under, mostly because he feels like if I do I might not wake up.

And he really doesn't want to lose his 'greatest creation'.

"If I don't she could move during the process." The doctor paused. "If she does she could die." My ears rang as I heard that. Father nodded and the doctor went to get the stuff needed to put me under.

I took a deep breath and just tried to stay calm. I started to think about every moment I had with my friends, Aizawa and Present Mic, and Katsuki all in my head.

I wanted to spend my last conscious minutes thinking about the people I care about.

I felt the doctor's hand on my arm and saw he had a needle. "This will make you fall asleep for a while. Long enough for me to take the chip out and put it back in once I'm done with it."

I felt a pinch when he stuck a needle in me. He pulled it out and cleaned where the needle had been before speaking again. "Okay, lie down on your stomach. I'm gonna start once you have fallen under."

I did as I was told and kept thinking about Katsuki. I think the thing I'll miss most about him is his smile. He has a nice smile, it looks mean but is sweet once you get to know him.

I miss his laugh, it was rough but I think that's what I liked about it. I miss his eyes, they were so beautiful. A man like him shouldn't be allowed to have such beautiful eyes, I'm glad I got to see them up close. I miss his kisses, I expected them to be rough but they were really soft. When he kissed me it felt like the world had stopped just for us.

Like we were stars and that was our soul purpose.

I turned my head around from father as I let a few tears fall. It was always gonna end this way, wasn't it.

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