Chapter Seventeen

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New Light!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

New Light!

Y/n's Pov:

"I don't understand why you made Kaminari short-circuit himself." I said as we walked out of the classroom.

Bakugo was pissed but still had a calm expression. "That idiot needs to watch where he's going." I looked at him confused. "You bumped into him. On purpose."

He shrugged. "Still an idiot." I shook my head and continued walking with him to the library for an assignment Cementos gave us.

Ever since Bakugo and I hung out we've been sticking by each other, we had turned into two peas in a pod. One couldn't go anywhere without the other.

I expected him to make a big fuss over it but he never did. He just went with it like it was natural, I liked that. During our free time, he explained to me how different quirks work and even went into detail about some of our friend's quirks.

I asked him why and how he knew all that and he said it was because Midoriya is always whispering to himself about it during class and free time.

And since Bakugo sits right in front of him he has to hear it all, and it's been like that since their first year.

This one time I had told him I thought Midoriya was nicer than him, he rolled his eyes and flicked my forehead. I punched him hard in the shoulder.

Still, I like that we're friends now. I didn't expect it to be like this but I like that it is, it makes it feel special in some weird way.

We were walking down the hall when we saw Nezu walking in our direction with a big box. It was too big for his body so he was swayed left and right almost losing his balance.

I heard Bakugo laugh before I went up to Nezu and asked. "Do you need some help?" He stopped and looked over the box to see me. "Oh yes, that would be quite helpful!"

I smiled as I took the box from him and looked back at Bakugo. "You go ahead I'll catch up with you later." He seemed like he was about to say something but rethought it quickly.

He just gave me a nod and walked away. "I was just going to drop it off at my office," Nezu said as he began to walk, I followed right beside him.

"How have you been Y/n? I know we haven't talked since your first day here but it's never too late to catch up is it." Damn, the first day of school, that feels like forever ago.

"Great! I'm really liking it here." He hmmed. "And with Eraserhead? I'm sure living with him isn't the easiest." I laughed at how true that was.

"Yeah but it's been okay. He can't cook for the life of him but still, after a while, he became someone I look up to." I smiled at the thought.

"I see you've gotten close to Bakugo, that's something I thought I'd never see." I felt my face heat up a bit. "He's nicer than he looks I swear."

It was Nezu's turn to laugh. "I'm glad you and him have gotten along. I remember the days when he didn't like talking to anyone, except for Ejiro Kirishima but even then."

I never knew that but then again that does sound like Bakugo. "People grow up, they change. I think if anyone's capability of doing so it would be Bakugo."

"Well you are right about that. He has changed so much since his first year it's astonishing to look at him now and think he was so different back then."

After he said that I became curious. I wondered what he meant by that but if didn't ask him, I didn't want to ask someone else about Bakugo's personal life.

"What do you think of Bakugo?" It was a strange question, one I wasn't expecting but I knew the answer right away.

"Honestly, I think he's someone you can rely on. He'll curse and throw insults here and there but deep down he cares about others, his friends. And even though it doesn't seem like it he's nice, in his own way at least. Plus he's fun to be around in my opinion."

I don't think Nezu was expecting that answer. "You think of him as your friend?" I confidently nodded. "Yes, I do."

He hmmed and didn't say anything else until we made it to his office. He opened the door for me and I set the box on his desk. "Thank you again for helping me Y/n, I'll have to owe you something later."

I shook my head. "Please, don't worry about it. I still haven't thanked you for letting me go to school here." He waved it off. "UA is happy to have a bright student like you."

His words hit my heart, they made me feel good about myself.

"Still, thank you." I bowed and took my leave. On my way to the library, I replayed our conversation in my head.

Now that I think about it, I don't know much about Bakugo.

I walked into the library and saw Bakugo sitting at one of the tables.

I headed over to him and sat down at the table with him. "Fuckin finally, what the hell took so long?" I gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Nezu and I talked about some things."

His tone went down when he spoke again. "About what?" I didn't want to lie to him, I'm just not that kinda person. "He asked me how I was and then he asked about you and me."

"You and me?" I nodded as I opened my textbook. "He was surprised we were friends." I took a second before telling him everything else Nezu and I talked about.

He scoffed and flipped the page of his textbook. I heard him say something under his breath, it was low but I think I heard 'bastard'

I wanted to ask about his first year, along with a couple of other things but I didn't. I didn't want to force him to talk if he didn't want to. "Ask your damn question."

His eyes were on mine, waiting for me to speak. "What happened in your first year'?" He looked back down at his textbook. "I was an asshole to pretty much everyone."

I could tell he wasn't ready to talk about this. I looked down at his hand on the table, without another thought I placed mine over his and watched as he quickly moved his eyes back to mine.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to, but just know that I wouldn't judge you. You're my friend and you'll be my friend no matter what." I have no room to judge, everything about me is kinda fucked up.

I let go of his hand and went back to my textbook. "I was mad." I moved my eyes to him, surprised he had said anything.

"I was always mad but that year I was extremely mad. Deku was passing me in a way that I couldn't keep up and I couldn't do anything about it. At first, I thought it was just dumb luck but then I realized it was more than that. It was my punishment."

Punishment? "I did fucked up things, and I took my anger out on anyone I could see. I spent my second year in anger management classes, finding ways to chill the fuck out, and when I did I apologize to Deku for the second time."

I sat there quietly until he finished saying what he wanted to say. "And then?" I asked him. "Things are different now. That's all."

I sat there unable to say anything, lost in a whole bunch of thoughts swirling inside my head. But there was one thought that was clear to me.

"You know, I get stares every day just because of my past. They judge me before they even get to know me because they've already made up their minds about me. I hate it." I looked at him once more.

"You hate it too don't you?" He was hesitant but nodded. "Then let's ignore them together. I mean who gives a shit what they think anyway, they're all just a bunch of extras right."

He smirked, amused that I had used his insult. "Damn right they are." I laughed and we got started on our assignment.

For a moment, I could see a new light shine in Bakugo's eyes.

1445 Words

How was it?

Aw they're so cute ✋🥹

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