Chapter Twenty-Seven

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3rd Pov:

"Why isn't she awake yet!" Bakugo yelled at Recovery girl.

Aizawa was finally there after talking to Mina and the other students. They cried saying it was an accident and that they didn't want you to die, they were being dramatic but at least they cared.

Bakugo on the other hand was pissed, more then he usually was.

He was ready to kill Kaminari with his bare hands for what he had done. He began to think none of this would have happened if that idiot Kaminari knew how to throw right.

Aizawa saw how Bakugo was acting and quickly spoke on it. "Bakugo calm down! You're acting irrationally." He looked at his teacher and saw he was just as worried as he was.

He finally took a deep breath and went back over to you. It had been a little over an hour and with each second that passed Bakugo became more worried than the last.

Recovery girl had told them that the damage to your head wasn't as bad as it looked. "Her previous injury just reopened. There really is nothing to worry about."

Bakugo will be the judge of that when you wake up. He grabbed your hand with both of his and held it close to his lips. As much as he hates to admit it he's missing you even though you're right there in front of him.

He misses your voice already, your eyes, your kisses. He knows how bad he's gotten but he doesn't care, he cares about you.

"Bakugo." He was getting tired of Aizawa ruining his sweet moments with you. "What?" He didn't bother looking at him, only you. "You know don't you."

Bakugo scoffed at him. "Been knowing, tell your husband to stop talking so damn loud." Aizawa was mentally frustrated, of course it had to be his fiance with the biggest mouth.

"If she ever gets her memories back then-" Bakugo immediately cut him off. "If nothing, I won't let her go back to before." He didn't take his eyes away from you, not at all.

"I can protect her." He whispered to himself.

Bakugo wanted to believe what he was saying, but with every second, it was getting harder. Really, he was trying to convince himself that when you woke up you'll still be the girl he grew to like.

He was praying to whatever was watching him that you would still be his girl.

Another hour has passed and you still haven't woken up.

Aizawa could see how unbearable this was for Bakugo. He just keeps staring at you, not moving at all. "Bakugo you should-"

"Not now." He's refusing to go, Aizawa doesn't know what's going on in his head but whatever it is it's not letting him think right. "Will you at least get something to eat?"

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