Chapter Twelve

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Bakugo's Pov:

I heard those idiots talking about some girl that was gonna be coming to UA.

I couldn't give a shit until I heard who it was. "Hey, Bakugo did you hear?" I looked at shitty hair. "Hear what?"

The other idiots that it was a good idea to come over as well. "You know the story of Y/n L/n right." Why did sparky say it like that? But yeah I know, the chick's parents died, then she disappeared and they never found her.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, why?" I was about to close my eyes to sleep when tape face spoke. "Looks like she's still alive." What?

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. "She was taken by the league of Villians, they found her recently when Mr. Aizawa, Midnight, and some other pros were chasing them down."

She's...just like me in a way. With the whole kidnapping thing during our first year, when they tried to recruit me.

I shook my head away from thinking about that. "Why are we talking about this? They found her big whoop."

Racoon eyes talked fast. "Yeah but the shocking thing is she's coming to UA." So she's the new student? She probably has some lame-ass quirk anyway so I don't have to worry about her.

"But she's not joining any of the hero classes. Or any class in any of the other departments." Then where the hell is she going?

For some reason, I had the urge to find out.

It was the end of the day and I was gathering my shit to go home.

I was about to walk to the door when I saw people running out and a whole commotion happening outside. Shitty hair yelled for me. "Bakugo come on!"

"What the hell is happening?" I walked over to him and he began to drag me out of the classroom. "Someone found out where L/n is. Everyone is going over to see her."

What's the point? It's not like she's some big deal, she got lost and then got found. I don't get why these extras are making such a big deal out of this.

We made it to the hallways and we saw our depression of a teacher walking, who I assumed was the chick, through the crowd of students.

I was about to walk away when I noticed the look on her face, she looked like she was gonna blow up from all the stares.

I could relate to her in that way too. It wasn't until she looked me in the eyes that I saw why it was such a big deal.

Her eyes told me everything I needed to know about her. She was strong, and amazing in some odd way that I couldn't describe.

She was the definition of power.

I couldn't stop thinking about L/n, it was like her eyes played on a loop in my head.

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