Chapter Fourty-Four

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Is This How It Ends?

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Is This How It Ends?

Y/n's Pov:

I stared up into the nice blue sky and watched the cloud slowly pass by.

My eyes hurt, my body hurts. I move my hands around to feel the spiky soft grass underneath me. Where am I? Why can't I breathe right? It's slow and I can't inhale that well.

I pushed myself to sit up and looked around. I saw nothing but a house, a nice blue house with a flower garden in the front.

Who's house is this?

My ears started to ring, I tried to stop it by covering them with my hands but it kept getting louder. I realized that the sound was coming from inside the house so I got up and walked towards it.

The ringing stopped when I made it to the doorstep. What the hell's wrong with this house? I lifted my hand to knock but as soon as my knuckle hit the door it disappeared.

What the fuck?

I placed my hand on the door frame and looked around inside without actually taking a step in. "Hello?" No response.

I took a few steps into the house, still cautious of what I was walking into, and heard voices coming from a room down the hall. I slowly made my way towards it.

When I did I saw Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari sitting around, talking to one another. What are they doing here?

Mina was the first to notice me and quickly spoke up. "Hey! You finally made it, we've been waiting for you!"

That caught the others attention. They smiled and spoke all at once, saying how they missed me, inviting me to take a seat. "What's going on? Why are you-"

Sero cut me off. "We were just about to talk about what happened. Come and take a seat." I was so confused, but I walked into the room anyway.

I got a good look around and saw there wasn't a lot, just a couch, two reclining chairs and a fireplace.

"I don't understand, why are we here? Where's Katsuki?"

Kaminari spoke. "He's gonna join us later, we should talk about what happened, take a seat." What the hell is he talking about? What happened?

I went over to the fireplace and saw there was a photo on the mantle, it was strange to see only one. "Who's house is this?"

Kirishima laughed as I grabbed one of the framed photo's. "You'd think you'd remember the house you grew up in, well before it happened at least."

The photo became clear and I saw it was me and my parents, a wave of fear hit me and I dropped it. I turned around to see they were just smiling at me.

I gotta get out of here.

I walked out of the room and headed back out the front but before I could the outside disappeared and was replaced by a dark void. Okay now I'm getting fucking irritated.

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