Chapter Thirty-Two

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Unexpected Events! Pt

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Unexpected Events! Pt.2

3rd Pov:

Everything was quiet. The classroom, the hallways, the students.

No one knew what to say, they tried to form words but nothing would come out of their mouths. So they didn't say anything at all.

It has been twelve hours since the party, twelve hours since the League of Villains came, twelve hours since you've been gone.

It was starting to annoy Bakugo, everyone's sad faces and sniffles. He wanted to yell at them, tell them to cut it out but he didn't. Instead, he let them and tried to ignore all their looks.

Aizawa was trying to figure out what happened. He's already heard from most of his students what happened but that's not what he's wondering.

He's wondering why you just went with them. Did they not convince you enough that they wanted you here, that you were loved here?

Maybe not, Aizawa thought they had though.

Nevertheless, he wanted to hear from every one of his students, he had spoken to almost everyone except Bakugo.

He was a bit hesitant but seeing Bakigo right now makes him think he shouldn't be. He's calm and has the same expression he wears every day.

Still, he knows Bakugo is good at hiding what he really feels. So after class he tells Bakugo to hang back for a minute.

Bakugo knows what this is about so he doesn't put up a fight. He sits down and just listens to Aizawa as he speaks.

"I know this is hard for you kid, probably a bit harder than any of the others." Aizawa knows how 'close' the two were, he wishes he was a little nicer about it.

Bakugo didn't respond, he just wanted him to get to the point of this.

Aizawa rubbed his eyes, it was obvious he hadn't gotten any sleep but in this situation who would?

"Just tell me what you remember from yesterday." Bakugo started to replay what happened in his head.

*Twelve Hours Ago*

Shigaraki and the rest of the League were standing a little more than eight meters away from all of you.

"We didn't mean to crash the party but we've come to collect what is ours." Everyone got into a fighting position, they were ready to protect each other if anything were to happen.

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