Chapter Twenty-Two

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One Second!

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One Second!

Y/n's Pov:

When we got to Recovery girl's office I was surprised to see Present Mic there, but not as surprised when I saw who else was in there.

"Hey Y/n, how have you been?" It was Tsukauchi from the hospital. "I'm alright, what are you doing here?"

Eraserhead spoke. "He just here to see how much of your memory you've recovered." But I haven't, that's the problem.

As I sat down on the bed Eraserhead, Present Mic and Tsukauchi stood by the door while Bakugo was right beside me as Recovery girl came over.

I noticed Tsukauchi had a clipboard, I wanted to ask what that was for but I didn't. Why? I'm not sure but knots started to form in my stomach.

"Okay dear, this is just a picture test. I'll show you a picture and you tell me what it is." I nodded and the first picture was easy.

"That's me." Wow, I look good in the photo. She moved the picture out of the way to show the next one. "That's Eraserhead and Present Mic."

I could see in the photo their hands were a little too close to each other. A little strange if you ask me but they do look like they're happy so I guess I'll let it slide.

She switched it again. I couldn't tell who the person in the photo was. "I'm not sure." Tsukauchi wrote something down and that made me nervous.

I felt someone grab my hand tightly. It was Bakugo. "You're fine. Just focus." Focus, I can do that.

I took a deep breath and looked back at Recovery girl. She changed the photo again but I still don't know who the person on it was. "I don't know."

The man was big, he had huge muscles and his costume was red, blue, and yellow. He looked like a hero, a strong one at that.

The next one was easy again. "That's Class 3-A." They all looked so happy in the photo, and then there was Bakugo who had an angry face on. I almost laughed at that, he looked cute.

Recovery girl showed me the next card. "I don't know who that is." If I had to describe him in one word, crusty. His skin looked like it was peeling and kinda scary.

"What about this man?" The man she showed was burned. His scars looked like they were stapled together, but he didn't seem scary. Not like the other man, this man seemed...okay.

I shook my head and she switched the photo. "Do you recognize any of these people?" This photo had five people in it, four men and a girl. The girl looked like she was my age or at least close to it.

"No, I don't." Tsukauchi began to write again but this time it was a lot more than he had previously been writing.

"Okay, do you know who this is?" She showed me a photo of a big man, he wore a suit and...he didn't have a face.

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