Chapter Fifteen

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Make Some Plans Girl!

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Make Some Plans Girl!

Y/n's Pov:

I think there's something wrong with me.

Subconsciously, my eyes move to look at Bakugo. Well, the back of Bakugo's head. I can't get myself to stop, I don't know how to explain it.

You ever just look at someone and know that that's the person you wanna spend time with? I think that's what I'm feeling.

I just think he's cool like when he says things in a mean way but he says it calmly and it scares the shit out of people. Actually, I think that's more funny than cool but you get the idea.

I've been able to get along well with everyone in the class but him. Only because we never have anything to say to each other.

I don't get why I'm feeling this but it's not killing me so I'll guess I'll go along with it.

During our break time, Mina came up to me all excited.

"L/n!" I was about to greet her when she pulled up and chair and started whispering in my ear. "I know your secret." Secret?

I looked at her confused. "What secret?" She grinned and pointed at Bakugo, who was resting his hand on his desk.

I was confused about what she was trying to tell me until I realized she must have seen me looking at him during class.

I laughed and shook my head at her. "Mina it's not-" She cut me off. "Girl I can so totally help you get with him." Get with him? Oh, she means to date right?

I waved my hand. "Thanks but that's not why I was looking at him." She seemed sad that I said that but didn't express it. "Then why were you staring at him?"

I explained how I just thought he was cool and how I would like to be his friend but didn't know what to say. "Oh girl that's easy. You just gotta tell him how great he is and he'll instantly like you."

Really? "But I want to genuinely be his friend not be someone to just boost his ego." She hmmed and thought for a moment.

I wished I didn't stare at him because now she was calling him over. "Bakugo! L/n has something to tell you!" I hate Mina now.

He slowly rose from his seat and came over to us. Mina quickly left so now it was just me and him. "What?"

Crap what do I say? I could see Mina giving me a thumbs-up from the corner of my eye.

I sighed. "Do you wanna hang out after school?" Okay, this is fine, he'll probably say no or that he's busy so-

"What time?" You're actually fucking kidding me right. "Uh, is six alright with you?"

He thought for a moment before stealing my pen and writing on my paper. "Text me later." That's all he said before turning around and walking back to his desk.

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