Chapter Twenty

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Workshop Job!

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Workshop Job!

Y/n's Pov:

It was our free time again and I went over to Bakugo as usual.

I sat down across from him and he lifted his eyes from his paper to me. I thought he was already done with his work but guess not. "You finished?" He was talking about my assignment.

"Yeah, it was pretty easy to I was able to finish it fast." He hmmed and went back to his work. I was fine with that because I wanted to finish another chapter of the new book I got from the library.

Before I could finish a sentence in the book someone spoke. "Hey, L/n can I ask you something?" I saw Hagarkure she sits right next to Bakugo so I wasn't surprised when I saw her there.

"Sure what is it?" I put down my book and looked at her completely. "How come you're always reading those books? Is it something you like to do?"

I think she meant building stuff, that's what most of my books are about. I'm not sure honestly, I haven't actually tried to build anything so.

I shrugged. "I like reading about it but I've never done something like it before though." She nodded and that's when more people came over and spoke.

"Well since you like that stuff have you checked out the workshop?" asked Oijiro.

Workshop? I didn't know UA had a workshop. "No, I haven't." They saw that as a field trip opportunity.

"Come on we can take you right now!" They started to drag me but I quickly stopped them and looked over at Eraserhead.

He was asleep like always, I wonder if he'd be mad if I left. Should I ask if I can go first?

"Are you always gonna follow the rules?" I looked over at Bakugo who was already standing and ready to follow us.

He was mean but right. This one time I don't want to have to ask permission to go. "Let's go. But let's be back before free time is over."

I saw a slight smirk on Bakugo's face as Mina and the guys dragged me out of the classroom.

The guilty feeling of leaving soon washed away with the excitement I had.

They stopped dragging me as we got to a huge door.

"This is it! You ready?" I'm nervous but I nodded anyway. Just then Mina snapped her fingers and I was pulled away from the door by Kaminari and Sero.

Everyone else backed up when Kirishima went to open the door, he harden his body before he did so. I was so confused until he opened the door and rockets flew out going everywhere.

One of the rockets broke through the window. "Well looks like test forty-two is a bust!" I looked over and saw this pink-haired girl come out of the room blowing the smoke away with a fan.

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