"this isn't funny Matias, I have been talking to him every day" this is bad I have told him things that I should never have, things that could help them take over our mafia

Even with the limited knowledge I do have I could still fuck up and destroy this mafia, hell I've already started and I wasn't even aware of it. Does Alexander know who I am, is that why he sat next to me on the first day. What if this was all a plan to try and get information.

"what the hell am I going to do, I've talked to him, I told him personal things, things I haven't even told you or my brothers" I'm honestly starting to freak out now

"calm down, it will all be fine. You can play this two ways, one you can try and get close to him and get information out of him or two you could just stop talking to him, leave him alone and pretend that you guys have never talked before"

"hell no I am not getting close to him I would stuff It up and end up telling him everything" I frantically shake my head

"well then you have to stop talking to him and pretend he doesn't exist" he says looking me in the eye for the first time

"That's going to be hard, I sit next to him and we talk like every class" I lay down feeling hopeless, it's not like I want to do this but I have to, I shouldn't have even spoken to him in the first place

"it will be fine I will swap seats with you that way he won't get the chance to talk to you and if you see him in the hall then just walk the other way" Matias tries to reassure me

"I hope your right because this is going to be awkward as hell"

After that, we just sat there in silence until it was time for lunch. While walking down the hallway I see Alexander walking down the hallway towards us with a small smirk looking at me.

"and of course, he has to be coming towards us" I mumble a little bit

Matias looks up and sees alexander. Before I can think I am being pulled towards Matias and on his other side so I'm further from alexander and am pulled into his chest

"what are you doing?" I ask looking up at Matias

"just shut up and look ahead of us but not at him" doing as he says I look ahead making sure not to look at Alexander and we just walk past him

From my peripheral vision, I see Alexander looking at us but his smirk is gone and he is instead just staring blankly at us. Being close to the cafeteria we both look back and see that alexander is far enough we let go of each other and glance at each other. As we walk through the door I feel my phone buzz. Still walking I pull out my phone and see that I have a text message

'Are you guys dating now?'

Knowing exactly who it is I make sure that Matias isn't looking before I reply

'no, we're not'

Not even a second later they reply

'then why were you so close?'

'its none of your business'

With that, I put my phone back in my pocket and see that we have arrived at our table with everyone already there. Looking around I see an open spot in between Gabriel and Tye. Tye is pretty cool, he is a pretty good friend and doesn't actually try and make me feel not wanted here, none of them do.

As we get into conversations I feel my phone buzz again so I pull it out

'well can you tell me why you left class together'

Knowing that I shouldn't be doing this I try and sound annoyed so he stops texting me

'Alexander stop, you don't need to know anything. I am trying to talk to my friends so please stop'

As I press send I realise that the talking has stopped, looking up from my phone I see most of the eyes on me. The ones that weren't were too busy making out to know what was happening

"you alright, you were typing pretty hard there" Zaid says in front of me

"yeah I'm fine" I smile trying to make it convincing

Everyone looks at me a little weirdly so I decide to change the subject to something that will get everyone interested.

"how's the team going?" this gets everyone's attention

"Which one" Julian replies laughing

"both" I say just to make sure they do fully move on

So that is how we spent the rest of our lunch, talking about all aspects of their sports. I didn't get another text message from Alexander all day and when we had classes together and Matias was in it too Matias would sit in between us. When it first happened Alexander tried to stop him and say that's my seat but when he saw me sit in Matias's seat he shut up and faced the front, not saying anything else. Luckily there were only three classes after lunch, science, art and Italian and the only class that Alexander was in was science for the other two classes both Alexander and Matias weren't in so it was less stressful.

. ☾ . 

thank you for voting so much. 

I will be done with school soon like sometime this week so I will have more time to write this and hopefully, it will be better than it has been 

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