077. dinner with the parents

Start from the beginning

"Don't." Sam pushes Dean away, knowing he's about to explode. They walk back across the street.

They go to the post office and Sam and Larissa walk in.

"Help you?" Marta asks.

"I hope so. Um, I'm looking for a-a local kid, a teenager... Max something." Sam says. "I feel bad. I paid her to wash my car, but she took off before I could tip her, and I figured you knew everyone in town--"

"So you want me to give you an underage girl's address?" Marta asks.

"No, uh-- it's not like that." Sam says as Dean walks in.

"Daddy, you sound like the people you and momma say to stay away from." Athena says.

"Mm-hmm." Marta hums in agreement.

"Marta. How's that grandson of yours?" Dean asks.

"Oh, he's a spoiled little jerk, but I love him." Marta says.

"'Course you do. Uh, listen, my brother and I, we just need to talk to this girl, okay? So, if you could help us out, I would-- I would really appreciate it." Dean says.

"Oh, now, Dean, I-I-I can't just go around handing out addresses all willy nilly. I-I-I-I took a vow." Marta says.

"Please." Dean puts his hand on top of Marta's hand that rests on the counter. He taps her hand a few times. Larissa grimaces, placing a hand over Athena's eyes.

"But, um... I can tell you where to find her mother." Marta says.

"Oh. All right." Dean smiles. Sam looks annoyed, glancing back at his wife and she just sympathetically smiles.

~ ~ ~

"I'm gonna kill her." Max's mom, Caitlin, states.

"Does Max have a phone?" Dean asks.

"O-or do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Sam asks.

"She's supposed to be in school." Caitlin says.

"Skip day." An employee says making them look at him.

"What day?" Dean asks.

"February 7th -- that's skip day. Kids ditch school. Some of them head out to this old house on Route 36, throw a party. It's a small town, man. Kids got to blow off steam." The guy says.


They managed to get an old pickup which only has two seats. Therefore, Larissa had to sit on Sam's lap and Athena had to sit on her mom's lap. They pull up to the old house and the Impala is outside. Dean turns the truck off and they manage to get out.

"Oh. Baby, Baby, Baby, please tell me you're not hurt." Dean says, checking for any damage to the Impala.

"I thought cars couldn't talk." Athena says.

"They can't. Your uncle's insane." Larissa says. Athena nods and Dean glares at her.

"Guys. Backseat." Sam says, the group finding the backseat empty aside from Athena's booster seat. "It's empty."

"Ethan! Ethan, wait!" Ethan and a girl walk out of the house and rush past them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up." Sam stops the girl. "What happened? What's going on?"

"He said he saw a ghost. It was a clown. He said it tried to kill him!" Bea says.

Dean runs into the house, Sam following.

"Stay in the Impala." Larissa orders Athena, opening the back door for her and Athena gets in. Larissa rushes inside the house.

"Ugh. Just five more months." She groans. She gets in as teenagers race outside.

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