Gone Forever

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There he was the leader and the man trying to find me and use me for this unknown power I now have. What are we to do when all the people we care about are on their was to Draco's room, and walk in seeing Cedric and not us. I decided against holding off and I push open the vent and jump right ontop of Diggory.

I made quick work of putting him into a sleeper hold with my legs my hands still off duty, I notice Draco jump down as soon as I have Cedric in the hold. "How'd you even get in here?" Draco asked him, anger seeping through his voice. "Bomb" is all he can muster as I cut off his air ways. Draco forgets the man I knocking out and grabs the potion to fix the burns on my hands.

Once Diggory was out I got off him, "what do we do with him?" I asked Draco as I get off the bed, Draco grabs my hands and dumps the whole potion onto them. I don't know what hurt worse the burn or the potion, "we do nothing for now we have to leave" Draco said, I look down at my hands, not a single mark left. I wiggle my fingers and the feel good as new.

"We go to my house where Mattheo is, with everyone of us" Draco said, he grabs my hands and pulls me toward the door, "what about my wand?" I asked him, "forget it" Draco said, "we can live a magic free life off the grid with everyone" Draco said he kicks open the door, "won't you want that?" He asked and pulls me down the hallway. I would like that but we can't leave this threat for another day or for someone else to take care of it.

"Please" Draco said, the word slipped off his mouth like butter making me knees weak. "Okay" I agree. Draco and I run down the hall hand and hand until we run into everyone.

"Did you get the fix?" Pansy asks, "yes" I say and show her my hands. "Now what?" Tom asks, "we leave for good" Draco told them, "what do you mean for good?" Blasie asked, "will all live off grid and live out our days" I said, I feel Draco grip my hand. I feel bad lying but that is what must happen. I won't rest until Diggory is dead.

"Is this what you guys want?" I asked them all looking to each of their faces. "I do" Pansy said, "I've always had a dream of living with all my friends at like a cabin in the woods" she said, I almost laugh, I love that dream and I would love to be apart of it. Maybe someday.

"Okay then we leave" Draco says and we all nod. I don't know how we did it but we've all made it to one of the boats docked outside. Once everyone is in Draco kicks the boat into high gear and we're off. I'll be back though, but they don't need to know that.

I haven't been to this part of the water before. We pull up to a big city full of lights and buildings, there already a car waiting for us, "you already arranged a car Malfoy?" Theo asks, "no" Draco said, the car window rolls down and Mattheo's in the drivers seat. "I knew you'd be here sooner then later" Mattheo says and gets out of the car, Theo walks up to Mattheo and punched him in the face, "don't ever betray us again" Theo then gets into the car, "missed you to man" Mattheo jokes.

"Is the house ready?" Draco asked, "ready boss" Mattheo answers, "everyone get in we're going home" Mattheo says to the rest of us. "Did you get you wand?" Mattheo asked me, "no, you?" I asked back, "nope" he said, "guess we just have to keep our word" Mattheo said, Draco looks at him, "I don't trust you fully still and I hope you know we can make a vow with my wand" Draco said and pulls out his wand.

Why didn't we think of that, maybe because we wanted to do everything ourselves. "Lets do it then" Mattheo said and reached out his hand, I grab it. Draco starts the spell, "do you Mattheo Riddle vow to never betray us, to never kill us and to never get between y/n and me ever again?" Draco asked, "I do" Mattheo agreed. That was it the vow was done and we can move on.

The boys get in the car, Draco holds the door open for me. I stand there, "what are you doing get in the car" Draco said to me, I reach out my hand and show him the boat keys that I took out of his pocket as we got off the boat. "Don't" Draco said, "I'll be there when this is over" I tell him and turn and run back onto the boat. Draco gets out of the car and chases me, I turn on the boat and start to pull away.

Draco jumps and makes it into the boat, "I can't be free until this is over" I told him, "I know" he said, "what?" I questioned, "I'm going to help you end this Reyes" Draco said, "it's you and me, until the very end" he said.

"What's your plan?" He asked me, "to kill Diggory, then say goodbye to my brother" I told him, I want to stop Hufflepuff from doing any bad and how do you kill a problem, you kill to source the leader, Cedric Diggory. Then I want to say by to Harry and the others because I do want to live this life Draco has planed for us.

We make it back to the Slytherin mansion and all the boats that were there before and now gone, everything was quite. Too quiet. Draco and I get off the boat, "do you think they all left?" I asked, "no" Draco responded, "this must be a trick" I added, "pull out you wand Draco" I told him, I would too but you know we left before I could get mine back, not like will need magic where we're going.

Draco pulls out his wand and we walk to the front door, we each stand to one side of the door and I kick it open. Draco looks first, "clear" he said and we walk in, "they can't all be gone" I said, then I feel a small point at my back. "Draco" I whispered, Draco looks behind me and points his wand.

"Drop it Malfoy unless you want the girl to die" Cedric said from behind me, his wand pressed to the side of my neck. Draco slowly lowers his wand, "what do you want Diggory?" I asked, "your power" he said, "I have no power" I told him, I feel him shake his head. "Your the most powerful person in the world right now and I want that power before anyone else can take it" he said like a mad man.

There's more people that want this power I don't have or know about. "Just leave her alone man, just tell people you have this power and they'll be scared of you" Draco told him, "no, I want the real thing" Diggory said and pressed his wand into my neck harder, "I don't have power" I said, "what ever you believe is a lie" I added, "I've read the whole book" Draco told him, "and I seen nothing about a power you gain when using the spell she did" Draco added.

"Lies Dumbledore gave me the book and showed me that page for a reason" Diggory said, "Dumbledore?" I said shocked, "that man is a manipulator, he used his students for his own gain" I said, "he wants you to kill me because he knows what I'm capable of" I added, "and I want your power" Diggory goes on, "even if it is a lie, there this saying that if you kill that most powerful you take the power and be the most powerful" he said.

"So you want to kill me?" I asked him, "I didn't but it is a lot easier then trying to have you at my side" Diggory said, "I don't think so" Draco said and runs towards us, Cedric being distracted I drop to the ground and roll out of the way, Draco starts to bet Diggory's face in. But Cedric lost his wand on the drop to the ground, I grab it and point it at him, Draco noticed and got off him and joins me at my side. "So this is how it ends" Cedric looks up at us from the ground with a bloody nose and a black eye, "it how you wanted it" I said.

"It a kill our be killed world out here I know this now" I said, "well played Reyes" Cedric said, "you deserve the power you hold" he added, "no, the only power I hold is love" I told him, I get ready to use the only spell I know that will end this, but my hand shakes. Draco slides his cold hand onto mine, "together" Draco said, "together always" I added.

Once the problem was ended, Draco and I set the house on fire. Burning everything that could possibly lead to us or the plans we have or had. We escape on the boat and head to our forever end. But first I had to say bye to my brother, he didn't take the news well but he understands. He knows more people would be coming for us all and he knows this it was is best for me and for all.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter, (1652 words).

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