The Great Hall Lockdown (part 2)

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I slept the whole rest of the night, didn't wake up a single time the sun was now shining right into my eyes causing me to wake up, I notice the Draco was still holding on to me so I rolled away before anyone noticed.

I rolled away and look over to see if Ginny was awake yet, she wasn't so I just layed on my back waiting for her to wake up, when all the sudden a arm snagged around my stomach and pulled me in.

"What are you doing?" I whispered pulling out of his grasp, "what dose it look like" he whispered back and pulled me back in, "you can't be doing that" I said rolling away again, "and why not" he asked "because we are enemies remember, people think we hate eachother" I told him, "have it your way then Reyes" he said and rolled to his other side facing away from me to go back to sleep.

I waited for Ginny to walk up of a good 30 minutes, until she finally woke up, "wow, I have a great sleep" she laughted and yawned, "can't say the same" I responded.

It was about another good hour until everyone woke up, and waited to see if they can go back to our dorms, Dumbledore can to the top of the great hall and said "good morning student, I hope you all have a goodnights rest I am here to inform you that you do indeed need to stay in the great hall for to day I will come back at night to let you know if you all can leave" and then he just walked out.

Breakfast was being served to all the students and we all ate at are sleeping bags, "I can't believe we have to stay in here all day" I told Ginny "I know right like..." She was cut off my Draco saying "aren't you happy Reyes you get to spend the whole day with me" he said in a cocky tone, "and that's the worst part about it" I said not even looking in his direction and just looked at Ginny.

"Should we get dressed today or have a pajama day?" Ginny asked "umm, I haven't seen anyone change yet so let's have a pajama day" I said excited.

Its been about three hours since breakfast and everyone was talking amungst then selves, that's when I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Harry.

"Go away Potter" Draco scoffed in anger "I am not here for you Malfoy" Harry said and then turned to me "y/n can we talk?" He asked me "about what?" I asked not wanting to get up from my sleeping bag, "in private" he asked "eugh, I guess" I said annoyed that I have to stand up.

I got up and followed Harry to a corner of the great hall, "what did you want to ask me Harry?" I asked "I wanted to talk about last night" he said "why, nothing happen" I responded.

He stood there for a moment before saying "when that killer came in the charms room, why did you yell for Malfoy to help you?" He asked, I was completely caught of gard I didn't even know what to say, "what do you mean Harry?" I asked "well, we were all in the room me, Ron, Hermione and Ginny but you yell for Malfoy's help" he said sounding mad that I didn't yell for is help, "I don't know Harry, just forget about it." I said not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"And y/n this morning when I looked your direction" Harry continued "Harry just stop" I said loudly, and it even made some peoples heads turn into our direction "y/n he was cuddling with you, didn't you realize" he said sounding frustrated, "Harry we are all sleeping close together he must for put his arm on me in his sleep" I paused to take a breath, "nothing happened and nothing ever will so clam down, and forget about it" I told him and walked back over to my sleeping bag.

I made it back to my sleeping bag and sat down, "what was that all about?" Ginny asked "oh, nothing Harry just being clueless, nothing to worry about" I told her and I heard a laugh come from behind me, I just ignored it can continued to talk with Ginny.

Everyone in the great hall was now getting board out of there minds, we have been stuck in here for a good six hours not and there was no professor's around.

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