What Am I Going To Do Now

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What am I going to do now? What are they going to do to me? I have no idea what is going on or what is going to happen.

I looked around this empty room, in hopes to find something I can use for anything, but no luck it was just me and the dim light that barely lit up the room.

The room was cold the walls were made of stone and the floor was cement, I have no where to go, there wasn't even a window.

I decided to walk over to the back wall, I place my back against it and slid down it until I was in sitting position I put my head in between my knees and my hands over the back of my head.

I will still in the same clothes as yesterday only now they are a little damp and have some blood on it but, I didn't care I just need to get out of here and get back to my friends.

I was sitting in the room for what felt like three hours, before I heard the noise of footsteps walking down the hall.

I assume they are back from dropping Harry off at Hogwarts, that means it is about a hour and thirty minutes away from here.

I then heard a click at my door knob, someone was coming in, I stood up and got ready for whatever was coming.

The door then opened and walked in was a man I don't think I have ever seen before, "who are you?" I asked, "my name is Lorenzo, but everyone calls me Enzo" he told me.

"Okay, Enzo what are you doing here" I asked, "well I am here to bring you somewhere else" he answered, "well I am just fine here thanks" I said and then turned my back to him.

"Sorry, but you don't have a choice" he said, and started to walk towards me, that's when I booked it for the door, it was no longer unlocked.

As I was running he tried to grabbed me to stop me from running but, he missed, I turned my head back to laugh, but when I looked back he was about to turn around but, that's when I looked down and sticking out the back of his pants was a gun.

"Oh, frick" I said and ran back toward him I need to get that gun, because if he had one then everyone else will most likely as well.

I ran toward him jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck and put him in a sleeper hold, he went to reach for his walkie, but I kicked it out of his hand, "I don't think so" I said when I kicked the walkie out of his hand.

He eventually fell asleep and dropped to the ground, I then grabbed the gun form the back of his pants and went out the door.

To my surprise no one was in then hallway, I started to make my way down the hallway to hopefully find a room with a balcony.

I ran down the hall as fast and as quiet as I could until I came to these two big doors with silver handles, with a snack engraved on it.

I grabbed the handles and opened the door and I saw a big dark green couch, and a grand fire place infront of it, I looked at the couch and saw, Malfoy, Zabini and Nott sitting there.

The saw me and they stood up and reached for the three guns that were sitting on the table, "don't even think about it!" I yelled and cocked my gun, so it was ready to shoot.

He all raised up there hands, "you don't want to do this Reyes" Draco said and started to walk towards me, "take another step and I will shoot" I told him.

He stoped walking, "I bet she doesn't even know how to shoot it" Theo laughed, he was holding a glass with some sort of liquid it in, I turned my gun towards Theo and shot a whole right throw the cup, causing it to brake and the liquid go everywhere.

"No, I think he's right I don't know how to shoot" I said sarcastically, I then returned my attention back to Draco.

"Now, toss over the boat keys, I know you have then on you" I said, "okay there in my back pocket" he said, "okay toss them over" I said, "no, you want then you come and get them" he said, with a smirk on his face.

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