Quidditch Tryouts

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"WHAT!" Harry yelled.

"Shhh Harry you might wake people up" I said trying to claim him down so he doesn't wake any one up, "y/n why would you agree to duel Malfoy?" Harry asked worried about my well being, "it a long story Harry" I said, "well then tell me I have all night" he said really wanting to know why I would duel him.

"Well Harry we were in potions and I was about to leave when, Malfoy snagged my ring right off my hand, we had an argument and he wouldn't give me my right back so, I told him if he doesn't give it back to me I was going to duel him for it, so he told me after Quidditch tryouts in the courtyard and I agreed because that ring means so much to me Harry I can't lose it" I said finishing the last part almost in tears and out of breath.

"Well I am coming with you" he said, "what! Why?" I asked, "Because y/n it is Malfoy we are talking about he will cheat to win and he is already mad because, Hermione beat up his girlfriend" he said with a laugh at the end which made me giggle.

"What is so special about that ring anyways?" He asked me, I have never told a sole about what the ring means to me not even Ginny but, I feel like I could trust Harry with this kind of information.

"It....it's the only thing I have from my real parents, and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost it" I told him, "I understand how you feel" he said I could tell he was sincere, and that he really felt the pain I was going through.

After that Harry and I talked for a little while longer before we decided that we should go to bed, "well I was very nice talking to you Harry, goodnight" I said, "goodnight to you to y/n" he said and we stood up off the couch and Harry wrapped his warm arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug, I hugged him back for what felt like forever and we pulled away and said goodnight and when to bed.

For that moment on I knew that me and Harry were going to be best friends.

The next morning, I was woken up to a pillow being smashed into the back of my head again with Ginny yelling "get up!! I am hungry!!" She yelled, I rolled over to face her and said in a sleepy tone, "are you going to do this every day?" I asked, "Yes. Now let's go!" She said in a eager tone.

I got up and grab my uniform went to the bathroom and got ready for the long day that was ahead of me.

I walked out of the bathroom ready to leave but, I didn't see Ginny "she must have been really hungry" I said to myself as I started to walk toward the door to leave to go into the common room.

In the common room I see Harry standing with Hermione, "hey guys where Ginny and Ron?" I asked, "they wanted to get breakfast early so the left" Harry said "oh, okay well let's go" I said and started to head towards the portrait to leave but, I notice Harry and Hermione won't following "aren't you guys coming?" I asked.

"Y/n?" They said together in unison "yeah what is it?" I asked wondering what's is going on, "y/n have you ever wondered who your parents... Your real parents are?" Hermione asked, "yeah all the time new can we leave I am starving" I said wanting to leave.

"y/n, I think I can tell you who your real parents are" Hermione said, "how Hermione?" I asked, "Well please don't get mad but Harry told me about your ring but only because be thought I could find out how your real parents are with it" she said quick.

"Harry you what!" I yelled with the verge of tears in my eyes, "y/n I am sorry but I wouldn't of told her if I don't think that she could help" he explained with a sorry tone in his voice, I could tell the he was being sincere.

"I guess it's fine Harry but, please next time tell me if your are going to tell someone my secret" I told him, "trust me I promise I will tell you next time" he said.

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