My Parents Are...

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Ginny just asked me who my real parents are and I didn't want to repeat my self to everyone I wanted to tell so I said, "I don't want to repeat myself to everyone, so I will tell you all tomorrow morning" "you know I am not going to be able to sleep now right" she said annoyed, "sorry Ginny" I responded.

We got ready to sleep and went to bed, "Ginny I don't think I will be able to sleep too, because who they are is going to change everything" I told her, "don't worry y/n it's not going to change what I think of you" she assured me, "thanks Ginny, goodnight" I said, "goodnight".

I layed in my bed thinking about everything that has happened and that might happen, like why dose Draco keep flirting with me then the next acting like he hates me, like we are supposed to hate eachother that's how it been and how it will always be.

When I tell everyone in the morning they are going to think of me so, differently especially one person.

I tossed and turned and eventually fell asleep, I didn't wake up much through the night probably because, of the last night I was constantly being hit.

It was eventually morning the sun was burning my eye lids so, I had to get up and Ginny was still sleeping so, I went over to her bed and started to wake her up.

"Get up!" I yelled and she jumped and rolled out of bed falling into the floor, I laughed and asked her, "are you alright" "I will be" she said standing up, "come on get ready for breakfast we have classes today" I told her, "oh, right" she said getting her self together to get ready for the day.

Once Ginny was finished getting ready I did the same when I finished she asked me, "when are you going to tell everyone?" "Right now, can you go get the trio and bring them in here" I asked her, she nodded and went into the common room to go get them.

She came back into are dorm and followed behind her were Harry, Ron and Hermione, "you might all be wondering why I asked you here, and well Hermione you already know but, I want to tell you all who my real parents are" I told them.

"But, before I tell you who they are you might want to sit down for this one" I said and they all walked over and sat on Ginny's bed and Ginny sat at the desk chair in are dorm.

"Okay you first all need to promise that when I tell you who they are, you need to promise you won't look or treat me any different then you do now" I asked them, "of course we won't look or treat you different" Harry said and everyone else agreed.

"Alright thank you, so here it goes..." I took a pause mentally preparing myself "my real biological parents are Lilly and James Potter" I said in a fast pace and took a deep breath.

"What!" Harry yelled "how is that possible?" He asked "Harry I have no idea, "it is true, that's what the ring that they gave her told me" Hermione said.

"How do you know that it is your real parents?" Ron asked, "Ron it is a complicated charm that tells you whom gave a person a item and once I got the results, I fact checked it by taking a strained of hair off of Harry and y/n's pillow and the DNA was a match they are brother and sister." Hermione explained.

"Wow... I have a sister" Harry said, "and I have a brother" I said with a smile, Harry walked over to me and gave me a big hug and I hugged him back even tighter.

"I knew it, I knew you from some where" he said, "I guess you were right you did know me from somewhere" I said, "I just can't believe I have a baby sister" Harry said excited, "okay, we all need to claim down" I said because every was getting a little to excited.

"Guy, nobody can know about this you know that right" I told them, "alright y/n we won't tell anyone" Harry said and everyone nodded.

We all walked together to the great hall to eat breakfast, we walked in and sat down we all had huge smiles on our faces.

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