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"right" they both said looking at eachother worried, "how bad could it really be" I said leaning back on the large rock I was sitting on as the two boys walked over and each sat on one side of me.

"Okay, but if we tell you, you have to promise us something first" Tom started, "yeah anything" I answered, "you have to promise to not get mad or hate us" Mattheo added, "yeah?" I responded.

"Okay Reyes we know everything" Mattheo said, "what do you mean?" I asked, "we skipped your curse" Tom explained, "sorry but, I don't understand" I continued, "y/n, you don't have to pretend with us we know everything" Mattheo added, "how?" I asked smacking my hands into my face.

"Don't sound so upset it wasn't that hard to avoid" Mattheo laughed, "just explain to me how?" I asked, "right" ton said looking at Mattheo, "well it was all Draco's idea once he knew what you where doing he sent out a message to us and so when we all where going to raid Hogwarts, Tom and I stayed behind" Mattheo explained, "and Draco told us to come to Hogwarts with in a couple hours of everyone leaving and he said come as if we where joining Hogwarts" Tom added, "he also told us to protect you from him because, he said and I quote "this time around she will be Slytherin and this time I won't be a easy going everything will be different" and so Tom and I agreed to help" Mattheo finished, "and we always like you Reyes so it wasn't that hard of a decision" Tom added.

"Wow" I said baffled I can't believe that this is actually happening and the fact that Draco knew that he would be worst and needed the Riddle's to watch over me that must mean that Draco is going to get alot worst then he is acting right now, lovely.

"There is just one thing that has been on my mind and now that I know you both have your memory's" I started, "what?" They both asked, "why did Mattheo make the unbreakable vow with Malfoy?" I asked, "oh" Mattheo said and dropped his head down in disappointment.

"It's a tragic story really" Tom started, "not my most proud moment" Mattheo added, "well of you don't feel ready to tell me now that's fine" I told Mattheo while placing my hand on his leg for reassurance, "thanks y/n I will tell you eventually but, right now I just don't feel right" Mattheo said, "and I have another question" I started, "what?" Tom asked, "when me and you Tom went to go get Hermione for the exchange and they where all asking me do you even know who that is and they where saying your a bad person" I said.

"Oh, right" Tom said, "you see Mattheo's and mine story's are one leaning into another but I will explain" Tom started, "everyone thinks I am a bad person because of Malfoy" Tom said, "ofcoures" I said and rolled my eyes, "but let me start from the beginning you see, when I was a boy I wasn't the nicest lad I would sneak into the richer people's houses and take what I wanted because why not" Tom continued.

Tom's Flashback
I'm walking along the streets of the richest people in town, looking up there long driveways and noticing the distance between each house was very large, I walked upon a large black gate across a driveway and none of the other houses had this so that much be very rich.

I walked up to the gate keeping my head down making sure the camera that was at the top right corner didn't see my face, when I was close enough I scooped up a rock off the ground and broke the camera.

I then continued to climb the gate and jumped down to the ground from the top on to the other side of the gate, I made my way up the long driveway, this one was the longest on I have ever walked up, when I got closer to the mansion there was a garden leading up to the front door.

I didn't enter the front door I'm not a amateur and I didn't see anyone home all the lights where off and no cars in sight so I walked over to the nearest window and it was opened a crack so I pushed it open even more and crawled inside.

Y/n's POV
"and one day I snuck into the wrong house" he paused, "Draco's house?" I asked, "yes" he answered, "you see I was only thirteen when all this started, anyways I went into his house and started my looting and well, Draco caught me" he went on, "what happened next?" I asked.

Tom's Flashback
Looking around this much be the nicest house I have ever seen, everything looked expensive and clean like if you dared to touch somthing an alarm would go off and send you right to Azkaban, so ofcoures I had to touch everything.

I opened my backpack that I was wearing and started to shove everything I could fit into it once I felt satisfied with my loot I started to head back towards the window I came in.

That when a hand grabbed my bag and pulled me right back away from the window and ripping the back right off my back.

"What are you doing with all of this?" The person asked, "taking it for cleaning" I answered walking closer to grabbed the bag back but the boy moved it out of my way, "how old are you kid?" The boy asked, "thirteen, and you?" I answered and then asked, "fifteen say how about we make a deal?" The boy asked, "I'm listening" I responded, "before I say anything I need to know your name" he said, "Tom Riddle" I told him, "I'm Draco Malfoy now follow me to my office" he said and lead me up the stairs and into his bedroom.

Y/n's POV
"Draco took me to his room and he told me I can keep what I took for a price, I then told him I didn't have any money he then said not with money with loyalty he said, and I agreed and Malfoy and I have been good mates since" Tom finished.

"And since loyalty is what Malfoy wanted it was only one sided" Mattheo said, "Draco new what I could do and took advantage of that and when it came down as to who would take the blame for the fall when we got caught, me" Tom said, "and you can only imagine the things the two of them did to make Tom the bad guy" Mattheo added, "and that's my story" Tom finished, "that's ruff" I said, "yap but, it is what it is" Tom said.

"Now that you know my story Reyes can you answer some of my questions" Tom started, "sure" I answered, "why did you do all of this?" Tom asked, "because I wanted things to go back to normal and for young witches and wizards to get taught at the greatest school" I answered like as if I had it all planned out if someone was going to ask that question well because I have been telling myself that.

"No I think there is more to it" Mattheo added, "well, when you or I find out we will share" I responded, "and I just remembered Draco told me something just before I did all of this" I added, "what he tell you?" Tom asked, "well I just thought of it because he asked you two to skipped the spell and anyways he told me if I ever wanted him to remember I had to say the word infinity loud and proud" I explained, "he put a fail safe?" Tom said, "I guess" I responded.

"This guy is full of tricks" Mattheo said, "he sure is" I mumbled, "well are we going to sit here on this rock a because classes start tomorrow and I don't know about you but I don't want to sleep on this rock" Tom said standing up, "yeah I rather be in my own bed tonight" Mattheo agreed standing up joining Tom, I then stood joining the boys.

"It's going to be hard to get back when Draco has Theo and Blasie by his side and trust me there out the waiting for us" I said, "we trust you y/n" Tom said, "yeah what ever you say will do" Mattheo agreed, "okay well then let's go" I said and made my way towards the vine to swing back over.

A/n; that's the end of this chapter. (1467 words).

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