Authors note....

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Hey guys. So I have a little bit of bad news and I hope you guys won't be mad at me for it. I take full responsibility for the mixup. To make a long story short I accidently mixed up dates that my editor was going to be gone and I thought she was going to be back this week in time to edit when low and behold she's not gonna be back till next week...I read the calender and mixed up chapter coordination before she had gone on vacation. With that being said, again I apologize but this week's chapter is going to be delayed. Which I feel really bad about because I was so looking forward to it. But rest assured as soon as she gets back and it is edited, I will have it uploaded. I will not wait because really I can't haha and I know you guys are looking forward to it too. Again I apologize and I will have it up soon and can't wait to see your guys reactions to it.

With much love,

-  Your crazy little writer, Kate.

Turning Pages- Carina DeLucaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang