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The princess's eyes snap open hearing a whisper of Fitz's voice. She looks arund the room confused only to see a sleeping Deke leaning against the bed on the floor. "Fitz?" she whispers unsure of what was happening.

"Asta..." The voice repeats in her mind. She looks down at her bracelet to see it still on her wrist with the small normally red light was now a shade of blue.

She was  even more confused, the bracelet would normally block her ability to be summoned. She concentrated on the voice with her eyes closed, "Asta, focus on me. Only me. We have a plan, just hurry." She listening to her instructions. Slowly getting up she focus's on Fitz, seeing him again, hugging him. A portal opens. And without hesitation she enters.

____ ___ ____ ___ ____ 

Looking around she was on a completely diffeent ship as she stumbled to stand, having not used her power in so long. "I got you" Fitz says as he holds her to keep her steady.

Asta stares at him with wide eyes, "You're here... You're real and you're here." she whispers before hugging him tightly. He returns her hug just as tightly.

"Yes. And we're docking so you need to get changed so that we may go through with our plan." A man says as he makes his way to them.

The two pull apart and look at him. "Uh, right. Asta this is Enoch. He helped me get to this time point. Enoch, Asta; I told you about her." Fitz introduces the two.

"Hello." Asta greets still abit confused with all that was happening.

"Hello. Please follow me, so that you may get ready while we prepare to board." Enoch greets before turning and walking down a small hall and into a room.

Asta was quick to follow, seeing that it was just a somewhat storage room with a set of clothing folded on a box. "I'm still a bit confused." she admits to the man as she looks over the clothes.

"You may ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer them." Enoch tells her as he walk over to the doorway and stands in it facing away from her.

"I have a power dampening bracelet on. How come I was able to use my powers?" She questions as she quicklt changes into the new clothes.

"Simple. We changed the setting on your bracelet to allow you to get to us once we got within proximity. I will remove the inhibitor before we board, worry not." he explains.

"Okay, so then whats the plan then?" she asks as she fixes her hair to be out of her face.

"We are going to infiltrate Kasius's dinner auction to understand him, and this station to then see how we can help you and your friends." he explains before turning to face as she was done.

Asta nods in understanding, "Okay, but how are we going to cover this up?" she asks as she holds up her hand to show the Metric in her wrist.

Enoch tilts his head as he thinks about it, "I shall remove it and cover the wound as to not elicit suspicion."

Before Asta could question how, he takes to steps then grabs her wrist and puls the Metric out from both ends earning a shout of pain and surprise from her. "What the Hel!" she groans, griping her wrists as she backs away from him.

Fitz was quick to rush to the room they were in, "What happened?" he asks the two, looking between them.

"Your friend needs to learn how to do a count down  warning before just ripping things out of peoples arms." Asta says  as she shakes her wrist in pain.

"I told you what I would do. I do not understand what was so surprising." Enoch says as he places the metric on the box with her other clothes were sat.

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