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The last time we saw Asta she was shot, stabbed, and was being rescued from being at the bottom of the ocean. It has been a few months and she has since healed and gotten back to normal, well normal on earth that is with being an Avenger. She had been staying with some of her friends while healing to train and recover, getting better at reaction time to avoid what had happened with Ward. And now that the Avengers were all together, they had a mission to do. Stop a big Hydra Lab from continuing operation, and get the scepter that Loki had brought to earth a year prior.

The Hydra base was located in the woods of Sokovia, which was where the Avengers were currently in. Natasha was currently driving an armored jeep with Clint and Asta on the back taking out hydra agents who were trying to stop them.

Thor was jumping and flying around to stop the Agents who were on higher ground from shooting at those on the ground, along with Iron man. While Steve was on a motorcycle taking out Agents of his own. And lastly we have the Hulk punching the agents in vehicles and taking no damage.

All the Avengers got closer to the base where the Hydra agents had up up a blockade to stop them from getting any closer, but what they were anticipating was for the four on the ground to also jump over the blockade, putting all the avengers closer to the base.

Tony was quick to fly ahead of anyone to get straight to the building only for him to fly directly into a forcefield. "Shit." he swore into the coms.

"Language." Steve scolds the billionaire, "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve questions the A.I.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." JARVIS replies for the while team to hear.

The team were still taking out Hydra Agents who continue to fight in waves. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor informs the team.

"I can feel the magic energy from here, it's in there." Asta adds on, as she magically throw a group of three hydra agents away from her.

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha says as she knocks out more agents, before shooting another one on a blaster.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint comments as he shoots arrows.

"Wonder what gave us away." Asta says a bit sarcastically.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'" Tony brings up.

"I know." Steve says before throwing his bike at a vehicle full of agents. He sighs, "It just slipped out." he admits.

The team continues to take out agents at try at reach the base. It wasn't until Clint was shot at that things changed. "Clint!" Natasha says before rushing over to him, gaining Steve and Asta's attention hearing the man groan over coms.

Then a blur of a person hit Steve, sending him up in the air, but he lands on his feet. "We have an enhanced in the field." Steve informs the others.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha says to the others.

Asta looks around hesitantly, feeling magic but it was not what she was use to. Then she was knocked down. She quickly sits up and looks around confused from not seeing anyone, "It's to fast, I could barely sense it." she tells the others as she gets up and makes her way to where Clint and Natasha were.

"Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" Natasha requests, seeing the bunker still active and shooting, she didn't have to wait long as Hulk came and smashed the bunker, "Thank you." she tells him as she begins to try and tend to Clint's wound.

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