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"What happened?" Asta questions once Deke arrived back in the room that he told her to wait for him at.

"I got Daisy to your friend." he tells her as he leads her out of the room.

"Okay, so where are they?" she asks, confused now.

"Alive. That's the best I can do for now." Deke tells her stopping in front of a lift. "I have somewhat of a plan. For now, you're just going to have to trust me, and keep this between us."

Asta looks at him, a bit skeptically. Something strung around his neck caught her eye making her look up at him again with somewhat understanding who he is, at least she assumes. "Okay, I trust you."

"So, I get who Quake is in all of this. But, who are you? You don't seem like the other agents." Deke says, giving her an apple.

Asta stared at the apple confused on how he got it. "I'm Asta. I still don't know where I fit into all this." she tells him before taking a bite of the fruit.

"Asta... Asta, that name sounds familiar." Deke says as he tosses his own apple up in the air as they waited for a lift.

"Do you get many people named Asta in this future, Deke?" she questions, a bit joking while emphasizes his name, earning an eye roll from him.

"No, I mean I heard that name in a story somwhere before. Are you a legend in Shield or something? Maybe Virgil rambled about you?" he tried to guess as the lift doors open and the two enter and the door closes.

"I'm not technically an agent. I was an avenger, then I went to Shield. I'm technically not from Earth either." Asta tells him.

"What do you mean? Aren't you... human?" Deke hesitates to ask.

Asta shakes her head, "No. I'm Asgardian." she says taking abother bite for the fruit.

Deke stares at her with wide eyes, "Asgardian? Asta... As in the Goddess Asta?" he questions.

"Yup." she replies with a shrug.

"Thats... You-You can't tell anyone that." Deke rushes out quickly before the doors open.

"Why not?" she questions him, seeing his wide eyes.

"I was told stories of an Asta growing up... And if that's connected to you. Kasius can't know you're here, or that you have powers." he whispers to her a bit more freaked out as if realizing things in his head.

Before she could ask another question the two were pulled out of the hall they were walking down by Coulson and May. The four of them make their into a secluded corner. "Hey. Come on." Deke says as Coulson shoves him.

"Sorry. We need to talk."  Coulson says, unbothered that Deke was annoyed.

"'Say, Deke. How you doing? You look really good. Can we have a word?' See? It's not that hard. We were coming to find you guys, anyway, 'cause I haven't seen you in a while." Deke rambles.

"I was hoping that Daisy and Asta were with you. Last we heard, they were looking for you. I see Asta, but no Daisy." Coulson brings up.

"Yeah. They found me. We were with Daisy a couple hours ago. And it's... it's all good. I-I helped her onto a lower medical floor. It's where we think your friend is." Deke lies.

"She never came back or checked in." May brings up.

"She said something about no further contact... spy stuff." Deke explains before looking to Asta, "How'd she put it? 'Silent mode'?"

"Going dark." Asta says looking at her friends, feeling a bit bad about lying but she trusted Deke's plan, whatever it may be.

"Right. That." Deke confirms. "And I told her that you'd wonder, and she said, quote, 'Get out of my way. This is what I do. My friend's life is on the line. I'll figure something out.'" he explains to them.

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