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Recieving a phone call from a random S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent informing Asta that Fitz, and Coulson had just disapeared in a flash of light was not how she expected to ever recieve such news. Trying to call Jemma only for it to go to voicemail was frustrating. But to recieve a call from Radcliffe asking her to meet him in Fitz's lab to help figure out something that might be 'more up her understanding of 'science' ' was the last confusing straw she needed for the day.

Arriving at the headquarters and avoiding all the busy agents roaming around was a task in and of itself. "I'm here. Sorry I took so long, the new people here have a thing with me teleporting in." Asta says to Radcliffe, May, and Aida as she enters the lab.

"Just in time, no worries really." Radcliffe tells her.

May doesn't turn to greet her, "Do you know anything about the Darkhold?"

Asta pauses in her movement, "I- I know rumors. Legends, Myths. Hard to tell whats real and whats not. Why?" she asks, slowly making her way to the three.

"Because we found it." May tells her, sliding the book to her as she stands between May and Aida.

"Oh my..." she whispers in disbelief, hovering her hands over it, feeling the power around it and how it affects everything around her without so much as touching it. "Theres a lot of power raidiating off of that."

"So it is magic?" Radcliffe questions, crossing his arms.

"Not exactly. To me, techinally it will show me magic, because thats whats I understand. To you, it may show you advanced science, seeming like magic to others who may not understand. It shows you what you will understand, to give you what you want. Power tempting to anyone." Asta tries to explain, as her hands hover around the book. Her eyes not leaving it.

"Can you read it?" May asks, seeming a bit impatient.

"Techinically yes, but what exactly do you want me to be looking for?" she asks, still confused on why the Darkhold was so important at this moment.

"To find a way to save Fitz and Coulson. I don't believe that they're dead. So will you help us on not?" May explains bluntly.

Asta nods silently, not able to look at her as she stares at the book. Slowly placing her hands on it, a rush of power waves over her causing her to gasp lightly. "What?" Radcliffe ask the blonde, concerned that she hadn't even opened the book like he did and seemed overwhelemed.

"This is only part of a darkhold." Asta says looking up to see their confused looks, "A copy. Legend has it the real one is hidden away." she informs them as she slowly opens the book.

"Asta, you and Aida need to read it! For the Magic and Science!" a faint shout of a whisper reaches Asta's ears, causing her to look at the empty space between her and Aida.

"Perhaphs I should also read it." Aida suggests.

"Absolutley not. No. No." Radcliffe denies.

Asta slowly looks back down at the book, quickly getting overwhelmed with the runes and spells that were before her. "She could help. Magic can only do so much. She could handle the science of it." Asta adds on, glancing to the empty space before looking fully over to Radcliffe.

"What's going on?" May questions, seeing the look he was giving both the girls.

"Aspirations of a do-gooder." Radcliffe says, brushing it off.

"So? She's a scientist and braver then you, apparently." May argues.

"Radcliffe. She can help." Asta tells him, causing him to sigh.

"Here's the thing... Aida's not exactly my assistant. Or human. " Radcliffe admits to May.

"What?" May questions.

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