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Going to the African Coast to talk with Klaue was the original plan. The plan quickly changed for the avengers when they found Ultron and the two enhanced at Klaue base. "Don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!" Ultron says annoyed to Klaue and his men who were going down to the level below.

"Ahh, Junior." Tony says as him, Steve, Thor, and Asta walk up behind them on the otherside of the platform Ultron was on causing the three to turn around, "You're gonna break your old man's heart." he taunts.

"If I have to." Ultron replies unfazed by that mans taunts.

"We don't have to break anything." Thor attempts to tell the robot.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron says sarcastically.

"He beat me by one second." Tony complains to the team around him.

"Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" the enhanced, Pietro Maximoff says, gesturing to the weapons that fill the floors below.

"This was never my life." Tony tells him.

"You two can still walk away from this." Steve tries to reason with the twins.

"Oh, we will." The other enhanced, Wanda Maximoff, replies.

"I know you've suffered." Steve tries again.

"Uuughh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." Ultron says annoyed.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor says loudly to the robot.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron counters.

"Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony questions, getting to the point.

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan-" Ultron starts before shooting Tony backwards, causing Asta to teleport away before she was hit by the man, as he crashed into the wall. Other Ultron bots arrive for the other two avengers to fight as Asta reappears behind the twins quietly.

Tony Flies at Ultron and they begin to fight in the air as Pietro speeds at Thor and Wanda hits Steve with her red magic sending him flying back. "Nice magic." Asta comments startling the young girl to turn around defensively, eyes and hands glowing red.

Asta raises her hands up peacefully, giving her a soft smile, "You don't want to fight me." she warns Wanda.

"But what if I do?" Wanda questions with a raised eyebrow.

The princess shrugs, "Have it your way." she replies, her hands now glowing blue with her magic as she also gets into a fighting stance.

"Nice." Wanda compliments before attempting to hit the Asgardian with her magic, but it was blocked.

"Interesting." Asta comments before trying to the same thing but Wanda was quick to block as well.

Wanda was confused on what to do now, but thankfully Pietro came in and tossed the Asgardian further down the catwalk allowing Wanda to get out of the fight. Asta groans before sitting up not seeing either twin around. "Lost the girl." She tells the others through coms as she stands. An Ultron bot goes to attack her and she puts up a shield around her as she figures out a way to get rid of it, with a sigh she summons her sword, lowering the shield and slices its head off, causing the body to drop, "Well that was fast." she mumbles to herself.

"Thor! Status?" Steve coms through the coms.

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Thor replies.

Asta turns around only to come face to face with Wanda who had her hand up sending her magic at Asta, only for it to do nothing, "Nice trick. But you aren't allowed in my mind." Asta tells the girls who eyes widen.

"Why isn't it working?" Wanda questions, confused as she looks at her hand and the blonde.

The princess sighs, "Doesn't matter. You aren't getting in." she tells the girl, making her sword disappear, finding it no use to hurt her.

Wanda glares at her, "If I can't get in then you won't get out." she says before lifting up both hands on either side of Asta's head and overwhelming the blonde with her growing magic.

Asta gasps at the pressure of growth the younger girl suddenly conjured up, "How are you-?" she starts to questions, before falling, and passing out.

The younger witch gave the princess a smirk, "Have a nice nap." she taunts before making her way to the Captain, successfully get in his head. Then to the Black Widow, doing the same. 

But she was stopped by Hawkeye, "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." he tells her as he put a shock arrow on her head, stopping her from using magic on him. Pietro was fast to save his twin, hitting Clint away and rushing her away, "Yeah, you better run." he mumbles before moving to coms, "Whoever's standing, we gotta move! Guys?" he tries to communicates but everyone in the base was down in some way.

Clint wanders towards where Natasha was sitting at a staircase, a scared and dazed look in her eyes as she stares out at nothing. On the catwalk, between the black widow and another set of stairs leading to where Steve could be found with a similar expression was a knocked out Asta.

"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby." Tony comes through coms.

"Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down, you got no back up here." Clint reports back as he stares at his best friend in concern.

"Uh, even Asta?" Tony questions, his last bit of hope going into that question.

"Plan B is down for the count." Clint tells him as he glances over to the blonde.

Tony sighs, "I'm calling in VERONICA."


990 Words

Action and Drama!

I lowkey love this chapter.

I hope you enjoyed!




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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