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"Hello? Hello?" she pauses, "I hear my voice echo, but it sounds strange in my head. The detail is amazing. However I am three feet off the ground." Simmons says as she uses Fitz's new gadget.

"Wait. What? Hold on. Damn it." Fitz replies, moving over to the computer that Asta stood in front of as she looked over all the work he had done. "Uh, well I did adjust the Y axis earlier for some reason." Fitz continues as he begins to fiddle with the numbers. "What does that look like now?"

"Better. The CPU seems to be handling the high poly count. Textures are impeccable. We should build a place to get away... a meadow or a cottage somewhere." Simmons begins to ramble before sighing, "I wish it were ever this quiet."

Simmons removes the headpiece to bring her back to the real world. Fitz and Asta stood before her in the busy lab of the SHIELD HQ. "Direct current stimulation. Creates  the other senses like touch and taste but also takes feedback. So I've just mapped your brain response..." Fitz starts to explain.

"Response to the environment. Of course." Simmons finishes hie thought.

"Next, Fitz wants to compare it to my brains response to see if theirs a difference at all with how Asgardian DNA response to technology like this." Asta brings up excited.

"That's a fascinating hypothesis. I can't wait to see the results to that!" Simmons says with excitement in her eyes. She then realized something, "Dr. Radcliffe came up with the architecture?" she asks looking to Fitz.

"Yeah. Yeah. He calls it 'The Framework'. But all the transcranial apparatus, that's all me." he says looking between the two girls that stood before him.

"No, of course. You're brilliant too. Of course." Simmons reassures him jokingly but with a serious tone.

"The most brilliant." Asta joins in on the teasing, causing Simmons to crack a smile.

Fitz ignores their teasing and continues to explain the work, "Cause soon you wont even need the eyewear or the earwear, 'cause it'll all be inside your head." 

"So May's strike team will be able to train virtually instead of May constantly breaking their ribs." Simmons replies.

Before the three of them could continue talking, something had gathered all their attention. "Hey, hey. Authorized personal only pal. No pas. No entry." one of the scientist had said from the doorway of the lab.

Stood in the doorway was Coulson and Mack. "Who the hell are you?" Mack questions the scientist confused.

"Leave them be, Nathanson. They have more reason to be here then you do." Simmons tells the agent as the three approach the door.

"Wow. A lot of new faces." Mack says and him and Coulson enter.

"Good to see yours." Simmons replies giving the two a hug.

"Six weeks. That's a record." Fitz comments.

"Great to see you two again." Asta greets them.

"Great to see you too princess." Mack jokes, earning a look from the girl in regards to the name.

"Heard you got a promotion." Coulson says towards Simmons.

"Oh yeah, and a title." Fitz says looking towards the girl with pride.

"Yeah. Special Advisor to the Director in Science and Technology." Simmons explains.

"or 'SADIST'." Fitz says, earning a light hit on the arm from Asta.

"They keeping you busy?" Mack questions.

"With busy work mainly." Simmons says with a shrug.

"I'm half the busy work" Asta chimes in.

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