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"So let me get this straight... I'm not here for a few days and ghosts can give people a fear virus, a neculer meltdown almost happen, and May almost died?" Asta questions as Fitz and her make there way to Radcliffe's.

"Technically May did die." Fitz corrects her.

"But Jemma was able to revive her, barely, to rid her of the fear virus..." Asta clarifies.

"Yes." he says as he knocks on the door.

"I feel like I can't leave any of you alone for a few hours without something life threatening happening." Asta says a bit jokingly as they waited.

"Exactly why I asked you to join us." Fitz also jokes.

"I feel like you just ask me here so we can work on Aida some more." she teases him.

Radcliffe opens the door for them before the two could continue and the two scotts got right to the science talk as they set down Fitz's kits he brought with him. "There must be a way to synthesize the neccessary neurotransmitters to regulate thalamocortical activity." Fitz says as he takes of his bag and jacket.

"Or block reception all together." Radcliffe counters as he leans on the table. "You know to trick the brain out of fear and the resultant physhical strain on the body. " he continues as they all make there way through the home. 

Asta and Fitz setting their jackets on a chair as the boys continue, "Hmm. What I would of given for that in primary school. I used to get so nervous my eyes would bug out, and I'd loose my breath..." he began to explain before stopping at the doors, turning and giving the two the look he was just describing.

Stepping to the side he gestures for the two to step out of view with him, "Aida... She's out. Why-why-why would she be out?" he questions.

"Oh your right, your eyes do bug out when you get nervous." Radcliffe replies, unbothered by the question.

Fitz lightly clasp as he puts his hands together, "Why are you not nervous?" he questions again.

"Becasue I let her out." he replies casually.

"Why would you let her out? I thought she wasn't ready for others yet?" Asta questions him a bit confused.

"Are you mad?" Fitz says shaking a bit to hold in his anger. 

"No. I'm just a scientist." Radcliffe replies, still unbothered by all the questioning.

"This is... This is a huge risk. You... you can't just parade her about. No one's suppose to know about her." Fitz stutters out.

"I know its a risk. But it's a risk we have to take. You have improved her social cues dramatically. We are on the cusp. This is the ultimate Turing test. I mean, who better to put Aida through her paces than the most discerning, formidable agent that S.H.I.E.L.D. has to offer? Fitz, Asta... Art and Science have their meeting in methods." Radcliffe explains.

"Do...Do not go quoting  bloody Buwler-Lytton at me." Fitz replies, a bit louder then before.

"Fitz." May call from the room causing him to gasp.

"Nice going." Asta tells him before moving to the room, pulling the nervous doctor in tow. The two wave as they recieve a head nod as a greeting from the Agent.

"Hello Fitz. Hello Asta. Always nice to see you two." Aida greets the two.

"Hi Aida." Asta casually greats back.

"Hello... Um, how... What is... What is... How is everything going in here?" Fitz eventually questions as he walks aroud the room.

May sighs as she lays back down, "Still waiting for them to finish the test so that I can get the hell out of here." she explains as Aida removes her blood preasure monitor.

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