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Gasping awake with a fright, Asta looks around confused and disoriented. She removes herself from the leaning bed she was in, pulling out needles that were in her arms and a 'magic scanner' from her head, before dropping to the floor seeing Fitz and Coulson talking a few feet from her.

"Don't blame yourself. The framework messes with everybody's head." Couslon tells the scientist.

She was confused until it all came flooding back to her. Her fake reality memories. All she did to 'help' humanity. Her life with... Fitz. Looking back over at him, she can see how frightened he is. "Hey, hey, you're okay now." May tells her, rubbing her arms, pulling her over to take a seat with her.

Asta was taking deep breaths as she was still processing everything, "No, but I-I-I-I, I killed people." Fitz stutters as he backs away from Coulson.

"No they weren't real." Coulson tries to reasure.

"Agnes was real... And Mace." Fitz tells him.

"Oh... no, Mace." Asta realises she had a hand in letting Mace die in front of her. She looks over to see the empty space, "I ordered the Air Strike. I could of saved him but didn't." she says, guilt flooding her as she covers her mouth in shock.

Fitz and Asta shared the same look of guilt and fear, while the other two just looked at them in pity, not blaming them for what happened in the Framework. Doors could be heard opening and closing near by gaining May's and Coulson's attention, "Somethings out there." May says with concern.

Coulson looks between the two people, seemingly having an anxiety or panic attack of some sort, both breathing heavy. "Listen to me, both of you. None of this is your fault."

"I wanted to do those things, it felt natural." Fitz tells him honestly as he takes in shakey breaths, tears pooling in his eyes, "I think that I'm a bad person."

"No.. No yo-" Coulson stops talking as he stares at someone over Fitz's shoulder.

Fitz's breathing hitches causing Asta to look up and see Aida, or Ophelia, or whoever, standing before them... A human version, causing Asta to stand in shock. "Leopold. Asta." she says seeing the two, grinning at them.

"Ophelia?" Fitz asks confused.

"I am so happy to see you two." she says as Asta walks over to stand by Fitz, confused. "This is what happiness feels like?"

"She's not a robot anymore." Coulson says in realization, as Fitz and Asta approach her. "She can bleed just like us." he says as he goes back over to May, who had found a gun.

"Finally, you can touch the real me." Ophelia tells the two, before grabbing each of their hands, "Feel my heart beating." she says, pulling their hands to her chest.

"Careful Fitz, Asta." Coulson says but, it falls on deaf ears.

"Touch my skin." Ophelia says in soft excitment, placing one of her hands on Asta's cheek.

"May..." Coulson says.

"Asta, Fitz, Move!" May instructs, but they don't listen.

"We can make this world whatever we want." Ophelia whispers to them.

"Take the shot May!" Coulson instructs.

"Get out of the way Asta, Fitz!"  May shouts.

When neither of them say anything, Ophelia grabs them both and teleports away, leaving the other two stunned. "Did she just..." Coulson tries to form into words.

Another World // Marvel FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ