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Entering an interigation cell for the second time this week was something Asta couldn't wait to do, especially when it could lead them to the traitor Daisy. Her, Fitz, and a guard entered the room that held Radcliffe.

 "I'm not talking to you, either of you." Radcliffe tells them.

"I believe, you don't really have a choice in that matter." Asta replies, in no mood for games. "Tell us what you and Skye were discussing yesterday."

"Uh, we spoke of many things. Our favorite breads, hers brioche, mine a homemade pumpernickle." Radcliffe replies earning a glare from the blonde.

Fitz steps closer to the man sat on the floor. "Where's she headed?"

Radcliffe looks up at his towering figure, "Huh, you're afraid. You may not be the Fitz who was my good friend. The man I would step infront of train for... but you wear your fear the same way." he taunts before chuckling. Fitz gives the gaurd a look before turning to Asta as he takes of his jacket. The gaurd hits Radcliffe, causing him to yell and groan, before laughing and wincing in pain. "They're fighting back huh? Soon, Daisy and the rest of them will escape this wretched reality." he says through clentched teeth.

"But if thats true then they'll destroy this world. Taking you with it, right." Asta speculates as Fitz sits on a chair and she leans on the table.

"Better dead then alive in this miserable place." Radcliffe replies with an eye roll.

"And the other place?" Asta questions, crossing her arms. "Your world."

"Far to late for that. I'm already dead over there, thanks to your psychotic brunette girlfriend murdering me in cold blood." Radcliffe tells her with pitiful laugh.

"What if I told you there was a way to be reborn?" Fitz brings up.

"Take your pamphlet and go knock on someone else's door." Radcliffe dismisses.

"This isn't about faith. This is about science." Fitz tells him, leaning forward. "We've built a machine in the other world, which can transfer human conciousness into an organic body."

"How is that even possible?" Radcliffe pauses, before looking over at the two of them, Fitz giving him a wide smile, and Asta a look of amusment.

"Oh, come on. I think you know." Fitz taunts.

"The Darkhold." Radcliffe whispers before scoffing, "Aida's ingenuity in circumventing her protocols are extroridinary. She'd have been quite the terrible teenage daughter."

"I think you're missing the grander picture." Asta tells him, earning a look of confusion.

"This machine can build you a body in the other world. You can have a second life, or a third, or however many you want. That's up to you." Fitz suggests to the man.

"Immortality." Radcliffe whispers in realization.

"If that sort of thing appeals to you... yeah." Fitz replies with a shrug.

Radcliffe sighs, "Daisy's looking for a way out."


Seated in a plane, heading to the location that Radcliffe had revealed to them when Fitz got a phone call. "Yes, Father?" Fitz answers.

There was a moment before Fitz unhooked from the seat to continue talking away from the soldiers. "Yeah of course." Fitz replies confused bfore getting out of ear shot of the others, that was until Fitz began to talk louder and in more of panic, "Dad? Are you still there? Dad?" he question over and over.

On the other end of the phonecall Alistair was in a fight with Jemma, who was holding a gun but nearlly getting choked by the older man while Fitz's voice comes through the phone.

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