Welcome to my home

Start from the beginning

I come out of the lift, and he's already waiting for me.
He is wearing a pair of black suit trousers and a black button-up shirt. His sleeves are rolled almost to his elbows, and he's looking into his phone with one hand in his pocket.
Simple, but effective.
He looks dashing. Although I'm sure he could wear a potato sack and win Mr. Universe.
Ends of his black hair are now tickling his lips, falling down his face. He rasies one hand and brushes back his hair of his face, still looking down.
I can't keep staring, I gotta move.

'Hello Sir, I believe my carriage is awaiting.' I stand in front of him so he would look up.

He puts his phone in his pocket and smiles at me, offering his arm 'If the lady wouldn't mind.' he gestures to his arm.

I do a curtesy, then link my arm with his, and we both laugh.
It's easy being with him, like breathing.

We walk to a very expensive looking car.  And yeah, it's a Porshe. Black, shiny.
'Of course you'd have something like this.' I roll my eyes at him

He smirks at me opening the door for me, and waits for me to get in, before he closes it gently after me. Then he walks to his side and slides into the driver's seat.

His smell is everywhere, and even his car smells like him. And it is so clean and tidy.

'Ready?' He asks, flashing me a smile

'Yes, Sir!' I salute him as a joke, and he laughs before he puts the car into the gear and starts driving.

Music is playing on the radio, and he is humming to it, probably not even knowing he does it.

I always wonder, how can someone look so perfect doing the most basic things?
Everything he does is attractive to me.
Even now, watching him drive with one hand is extremely attractive.

His profile looks perfect even in the dark. God really took his time building him. I must have been too mesmerized by him because he noticed me staring.

'Perv.' he looks at me, smirking

'Just admiring the view.' I answer him, looking away

That is not very friend-like behaviour. "He teases me

'Friends can admire friends. It's not that strange.' I keep looking through the window

'If that's the case, you look beautiful.'

I turn to look at him, but his eyes are in the road ahead, corner of his perfect lips in a gentle smile.

'Thank you.' I smile at him

A few more minutes of silence passed when I asked,'How far away do you live?'

'About 30 minutes. We will be there soon.' He answers, but the conversation seezes again.

The rest of the ride went quiet, apart from the tiny humming noises coming from him.

'We're here.' he tells me.

I look through the window and see a huge gate with 2 security guards in front.
They let us through the gates, and he drives from another minute in the underground garage before we park.
There are 6 more cars parked there, which means the guys must be here already.

This way, he says and offers me his hand. I take it without even thinking because I'm interested in everything around me.

'You're like a child, so curious.' he laughs, looking at me.

'Can you blame me?' I ask him smiling.

Before I even know it, we're walking through the big matte black blindo door.

'Jesus Jimin, please stop running. I'll trip and die.' I'm still holding his hand

We enter into a big empty room, with only a few decorations here and there and a nice white sofa in the corner. I assume it's the foyer.
Walking down the hall, then up the stairs, and I hear distant sounds behind the walls.
We walked a few more feet before he stopped and turned to me.

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, then lightly pinches my cheek before telling me again, 'You really do look beautiful.'.

'Thank you, Jimin.' I say, my cheeks flushing from where he touched me
'Give me a second, please.' I told him before I took a deep breath

'Is everything okay?' He asks concerned, raising his eyebrows

'Yes, yes. It's only because you touched me, so I need a second to calm down.' I laugh a little bit, but it seems to have a different reaction than me.

'I'm sorry.' he says, letting go of my hand, looking apoloetic.

'I never said you could let go.' I take back his hand, and he smiles, looking relieved.

'Sorry, again.' he laughs quietly 'Ready now?' He asks, squeezing my hand gently.

I nod my head and he takes me through another door to which I see now is his living room.
A big room with 2 huge grey sofas, a soft white carpet under our feet. A big TV mounted on the all across from the sofas, with long line underneath seeming to be some kind of extremely modern fireplace. 
But my eyes fall on the cute little stage he's got set up in right next to the sitting area. It's karaoke.
All the guys are here, yelling and screaming as they fight who will sing the next song.

'BIRTHDAY GIRL!' J-hope notices us coming in so he runs to us and squeezes the life out me screaming 'Happy Birthday my friend!' with the most sunshine like smile you could imagine

'Oh thank you so much J-hope.' I tell him trying to hug him noticing Jimin is still holding my hand so I wrap one arm around him and squeeze him back.

All the guys now come over and hug me one by one, until I feel like I have a huge pile on me. Never ending saga of laughter with them congratulating me one by one.

'What's with the hand Jimin?' Yoongi points out that he's holding onto my hand

I quickly pull my hand away from his.

'She is worse than a puppy, if you let her go she'll wander around and get lost.' He jokes and I try to defend myself

I pout for a second then I just give up saying 'I guess you win this one.' I smile

Jimin rasises his arms like boxers do after they win a match and says 'I've done it, I've finally done it.' and flexes his arms making me facepalm

'TIME TO GET THIS PARTY STARTEEEED' Namjoon pretends he's the MC and everyone ''whoos'' in response


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